President Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Monday to discuss the Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza. Biden expressed “support” for a ceasefire but does not appear to be putting any pressure on Israel to stop its onslaught.
“The President expressed his support for a ceasefire and discussed US engagement with Egypt and other partners towards that end,” the White House said in a readout of the call. Biden also “reiterated his firm support for Israel’s right to defend itself.”
While the president claims he supports a ceasefire, the US has been preventing international calls for one. At the UN, the US has blocked three Security Council statements that would have urged for a ceasefire.
Comments from Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday suggested that while the US might “support” a ceasefire, Washington is not pressuring Israel to seek one. “Ultimately, it is up to the parties to make clear that they want to pursue a ceasefire,” he said.
An unnamed Israeli official told Axios that the Biden administration hasn’t given Israel a deadline for reaching a ceasefire but has expressed that the US could only block UN efforts towards one for so long.
Last week, Hamas made a proposed a ceasefire through the Russian foreign ministry, but the Israelis rejected the offer and chose to escalate their bombing campaign instead. Also last week, Biden said Israel’s bombing campaign is not a “significant overreaction” to the rocket fire out of Gaza despite the disproportionate number of Palestinian casualties, including many children.
So far, Israeli airstrikes have killed 212 Palestinians in Gaza, including 61 children. In Israel, 10 people have been killed by Gaza rocket fire, including two children. The US has condemned the rockets launched from Gaza but has failed to condemn or even really discuss the dozens of children killed by Israeli bombs.
AIPAC is watching………………………………
“We support a cease-fire”
Biden is failing this first big TEST as surely as Trump did by downplaying coved’s impact. The lalala music started to fade for him as the toll went from 100,000 to 200,000 deaths here where there should have been waaay less. Did the army just sit in their barracks and shine their shoes? It could have been treated like a terrorisk invasion rather than an annoying cold. In Biden’s case we have a Rwanda like genocide raging in our faces, but Biden rather than slam Netanyahu is not only just going along with watching and hoping it will all go away, he is sending them more tools for this genocide. Waaay to like Trump with coved on poo-pooling the importance of masks. By not stepping in and NOT reading Netanyahu the riot act,, PLUS sending him MORE & BETTER tools for HIS GENOCIDE, IT BECOMES OUR GENOCIDE TOO. A gigantic failure in leadership at a critical time in a crisis as the world looks on and wonders about our leadershiip. Or lack of it and moral courage to confront this open genocide, but to assist in it’s execution.. With such weak kneed response to his firsts go at dealing with an errant welfare client state. Biden needs to STOP HIS SUPPORTING AND SWITCH TO DEMANDING AN END TO THE GENOCIDE from its principal perpetrator BAD BOY BIBI….!!!!!
Maybe Biden should ask Netanyahu why he creates and perpetuates this atrocious slaughter of innocent children and others under the guise of defending Israel? In Netanyahu’s own words “the reason Arabs can never fully integrate with Jews and live side by side is because Jews will be absorbed by the Arab majority and loose their Jewish identity” or words to that effect. So all this killing, all this pain and suffering is because Netanyahu will stop at nothing to keep Arabs and Jews separated and at each other’s throats and himself in power.
Biden supports a ceasefire and sells over $700m worth of weapons to Israel. Does Gaza or the west Bank get $700m in weapons, too? That’s what I thought.
Greater Israel: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.
Israel has gone rogue, and as a nuclear power is a world danger. It must be sanctioned and regime change initiated.
It has forfeit its right to exist, and so also forfeit any right to defend itself.
This must end, which means Israel as we know it must end. It has used up all its excuses in bloody warmongering. An ethno-religious state of half the people living there, crushing the other half in periodic spasms of murder and ongoing oppression, simply can’t be accepted as a nuclear power and world trouble maker.
Palestinians Are Right To Resist. Abby Martin’s Empire Files.