Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said on Wednesday that the “rise of China” threatens the US’s status as the dominant global military power, warning that the world could be entering an era of “potential international instability.”
“Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the United States essentially was the unchallenged global military, political and economic power. With the rise of China, that is changing and changing fast,” Milley told a graduating ROTC class at Howard University.
“The global order since the end of World War II — and for sure since the end of the Cold War — is under significant stress in areas of vital interest for the United States of America. And we are entering a period of potential international instability,” he said.
Milley’s comments reflect the Biden administration’s foreign policy priority, which is confronting China. President Biden recently said that the US was in competition with China to “win the 21st century.” Biden officials, most notably Secretary of State Antony Blinken, often claim Beijing is a threat to the “international rules-based order.”
As the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley is the highest-ranking officer in the military. He is a hold-over from the Trump administration, which also prioritized countering China, especially in the last year.
Milley also said that there are threats to global stability due to new technology, like artificial intelligence, robotics, and hypersonic missiles. “And they are extraordinarily disruptive and potentially decisive in the conduct of war,” he said.
Last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke of how new technology would affect warfare and said, “The way we’ll fight the next major war is going to look very different from the way we fought the last ones.” Austin referred to his time as top military commander in the Middle East as his service in the “old wars.”
Gen. Mark Milley is trapped in the throes of a child’s tantrum controlling an adult’s brain.
Uncle Sam and his deep state cronies don’t sound quite so exceptional these days. Almost anything that tamps down the hubris comes as good news to me. Gotta love the talk of rules based order. It’s much more rules imposed disorder. So sad that these Chinese just can’t read the script we’ve written. Or is it. Perhaps lifting 100s of millions out of abject pov- erty and developing the wherewithall to stand up to the bullying and intimidating of the “indispensible nation’s”posse is real and laudable progress. Not only is China raising it’s people’s standard of living. It is putting considerable amount of resources & money into raising up those far and wide in Asia and beyond with the Road & Belt network of supply & distrabution. China is dreaming big these days and it includes many others.
We need to re-Christian our RepubliCrats the NAZI Party.
Robert?? What are U talking about? Both parties are your enemy, or should be…
Both parties promote war, regime change, are stingy with money for folks back home.
The military industrial complex, Wall Street flexes its muscles, scaring the sh-t out of members of Congress.
Of course, but we need to officially label them the NAZI’s to preempt their media from using it to speciously distinguish themselves from the plethora of paleo-fascists loonies. As well as corporativists and militarists, they are inveterate practitioners of the Big Lie. We can’t compete with their money power or their military/police; but we can contest the The Lie.
Robert, I think both sides suck the same, if you think it is just the republicratz,,you are grossly mistaken! 🙁 Both need to be tossed!
Thank you.
We have to find out where we can toss them so they stay tossed and we can find alternative antiwar parties whether they are conservative, centrist or liberal.
Here is an article that looks at Xi Jinping’s roadmap for the new global multipolar reality:
It is clear that China wants to implement a new geopolitical reality in the world, one where China shares in global leadership and puts an end, for once and for all, to Washington’s unipolar world.
So the bully throse a tantrum becuase now there is an even bigger kid on the block who won`t kow tow to the bully and his minions.
China has military bases all over the planet. Be afraid. /s
We want no more wars A-Holz!!! BTW, who ever is flying the Tic-Tacs is going to kick all your Azz, so U better wake up Boi”, there is a new Sheriff in town, and U better hope they are riding a White horse! 🙂
“And we are entering a period of potential international instability,” he said.
We entered that period long ago and we are its cause.
what he is saying is he wants to send poor, working class kids to get blown up to clean up the mess his kind created. China would be nothing if his cartel had not built them up to profit.
US global domination, US global primacy — some words being thrown about by military under Biden administration. These people are chomping at the bits to start a war.
But the claims of US domination and primacy are the proof of aggression. By definition, anyone who does not recognize US primacy in setting global rules, or does not recognize US military domination — is an enemy. Anyone who questions US imposed primacy in defining what is democracy and what is not — is a dangerous enemy that is trying to confuse us with their propaganda. Only US — by definition — defines what is right or wrong. Any country that does not accept US military domination — is by definition an enemy.
This is called supremacy. And people who take up high positions in the government regardless of race or gender are supremacists — whether they like the term or not.
Did not think things will get this obvious this fast at the onset of Biden administration.
If he is thinking still about Democracy Summit to proclaim supremacy, better think twice. A global poll of 53 countries just published in Guardian found out that the biggest threat to democracy overall is US, far ahead of China and Russia.
The Americans have been talking down to people for quite sometime now, and recently Blinken was sternly put in his place by a Chinese gentleman. It is time to put some of these US generals in their place too.
This type of behaviour is not solely found in their interactions with foreigners. The ability to shoot unarmed people repeatedly in the back with no sense of guilt is another expression of this mindset found even among the lowest ranks of the militarised police force.
Blinken, Nuland, Abrams. What a team!
Which means, there will be increased military budgets far, far into the future. On the domestic front? Not so much.
Imagine, for a moment, how it is to be a citizen of the RoW (Rest of the World).
Damn few of them, ever, bought into the American exceptionalism argument. They just knew that the United States was the biggest bully on the block, and a vindictive and spiteful one at that. So they told us how cool our new bike was, pretended to laugh at our sadistic jokes, and some enthusiastically joined in when we beat up some little local weirdo, but only because they knew what damage we would do to them when we were on a ‘You’re with us or you’re against us’ tear. And if they played it carefully, they’d be bribed and indulged rather than blackmailed and coerced, so usually better to say ‘Yes boss!’ than to point out the truth.
The US government has regime change or regime maintenance operations in every country. Less than a handful refuse to buckle under.
The military angle seems mostly show, tell, and intimidate. When the dollar dies and/or missiles depart from Chinese, Iranian, and Russian sources, the Empire effectively dies. Either way, the Globalists assess Amerika and [e]urope will be effectively kaput.
There are many more those that humor us, for as long as we do not demand something they are unwilling to give.
Most are not humoring us willingly, but we have not given them reason yet to defy our demands. And in many countries elite wealth is linked to American power interests — and will be obedient no matter what. Unless internally their wealth can no longer be sustained in the face of domestic poverty and discontent. I would say that even those that humor us are working hard to diversify both economy and politics.
The Empire of America is dying a slow death.
When China becomes the dominant world power (if they do), will the General want “stability” then, by not challenging their uni-polar world?
File under “well no shit, Sherlock!”