The top scientist in the US Space Force said last week that human augmentation should be embraced and that it is “imperative” for the US military to start working on such technology that could create a type of super-soldier.
“In our business of national defense, it’s imperative that we embrace this new age, lest we fall behind our strategic competitors,” Dr. Joel Mozer said at an event at the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Mozer said augmentation technology could produce a “superhuman workforce” that uses technologies like “augmented reality, virtual reality, and nerve stimulation.”
“You could put [an] individual into a state of flow, where learning is optimized, and retention is maximized,” he said. “This individual could be shaped into somebody with very high-performing potential.”
Mozer said that there will be “unimaginable” advances in this type of technology, as well as artificial intelligence (AI). He said AI could create “autonomous” programs that commanders can use to devise military strategies that “no human could.”
“This will extend to the battlefield, where commanders and decision-makers will have at their disposal multiple autonomous agents, each able to control the execution of things like reconnaissance, or fire control, or attack,” he said.
US military leaders have called for increased investments in hi-tech weapons to compete with countries like Russia and China. While there’s no evidence Russia or China are working on super-soldiers, a baseless claim about China and such technology was made last December by former Director of National intelligence John Ratcliffe.
In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Ratcliffe said, “US intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities.”
That one sentence from Ratcliffe spread like wildfire through Western media. Even though Ratcliffe never provided evidence for the claim, it was repeated as fact by many outlets. A few days after Ratcliffe’s op-ed was published, the French military was given the green light to begin research on “enhanced soldiers,” which was met with much less fanfare.
Super soldiers ? , if they are anything like the ones they have it won`t be much of an inprovement , as they used to say about the Americans in WW2 , ALL THE GEAR NO IDEA.
Did Dr Mengele end up in the US under a pseudonym. ?
the allies were doing the same things they accused mengele of doing but of course no one talks about the “good guys’, do they.?
Jason Bourne comes to mind. Look how that turned out. He eventually
went after his Masters!
MK-Ultra meets the Covid Vaccine ” which doesn’t work for Covid” When you start splicing Genes instead of enhancing the immune system. You’re Augmenting the system.
They dream of super soldiers of the Starship Troopers variety, they’ll get those of the Men Who Stare At Goats variety.
After all the years of experiments being conducted on Space Station, I cannot remember one. I hear that Chinese Space Station — main module already launched — will conduct experiments on growing food, grains and vegetables, The reason? Once they establish lunar station, they will grow food there.
Of course, I cannot imagine Chinese lunar station without some vegetable fried rice!
Most of the killing is done with machines, not men in the loop. The US IS already behind its strategic competitors. A recent poll revealed the Chinese have more smart students than the US education system has students. As the US dumbs down its populace in an attempt to subjugate them, the situation will only get worse. Seems the PTB don’t want what they are achieving. Tough!
It’s good to be old. These fucking people are insane. Maybe the sweet release of death will save me from seeing this bullshit come to fruition.
The problem is — nobody is going after such Zealots and their Nazi cravings. And here we are. They want to experiment on humans — cannot wait. COVID gave them a chance. DNA manipulating mRNA concept never before approved for use on human beings — just made it through. And as we fully know — it does not provide immunity. So far, persons who had COVID did not became sick of COVID again, no matter the variety. Yet, plenty of examples of fully vaccinated person getting COVID exist.
Yet, a technology never before approved — we treat as standard vaccine production and tested accordingly. Apples and oranges. It is amazing what passed for science these days, Theories based on the limited knowledge available — and the arrogance are to jump from A to Z.
Before we create super space humans, how about reigning in Musk-Bezos spat over who is the fairest of them all — so we can get on with that bid for lunar module. Russia is getting tired of babysitting the space station on our terms,
Here is an opportunity — after Russia exits we can manage it on our own. Or build our own. Now this would be a project worthy of space supermen we are creating,
it boils down to keeping a job that they have no real qualifications for . and being a spendthrift with taxpayer monies
1) No, mRNA does not “manipulate DNA.”
2) Yes, persons who have had COVID have become sick of COVID again.
People who have had Covid 19 can get sick from the virus again. There appears to be a lag in memory antibodies. Generally those that do have a much milder case.