Fighting continues to rage in northern Yemen, with at least 90 combatants killed in Maarib Province in a 24-hour period. The fighters, loyal to the Saudi-backed government and the Houthi movement, are contesting the last government-held outpost in the area.
Daily fighting and ever-rising death tolls have left neither side closer to victory, and instead the two sides seem to be escalating away from Maarib and hitting one another in valuable targets nearby.
The Saudis, as usual, are falling back on airstrikes, hitting the capital city of Sanaa. The details of what they’re after aren’t clear, though they insisted that they hit “military sites in the capital” with several raids.
The Houthis, meanwhile, looked further north for targets, sending missiles and drones into Saudi Arabia to go after oil facilities. At least three military targets were hit, as well as the oil storage yard at Ras Tanura. Saudi officials say there were no casualties at the oil site.
Attacks on oil sites are meant to be attacks on the economic well-being of the Saudis, who for the past six years have spent just preposterous amounts of money buying weapons from the US, Britain, and others to pour into the Yemen War.
The attacks in Sanaa, by contrast, are mostly about retaliation against the Houthis, and while they often kill civilians or minor military targets, they very rarely do anything meaningful to the conflict.
“.. while they often kill civilians..”
Where exactly do they hit civilians? Especially often? Houthis are merely one clan out of many in the former country of North Yemen. They ARE the civilians. They just happen to be vast majority Shia. They ARE the population, not a militia for hire. They are fighting for Mareb, as it is a region that is a part of firmer Yemen territory and population wants it. I was in Mareb decades ago, while it was still part of North Yemen. Houthis did not attempt taking over any regions that were NOT previously part of their country.
Thus, Aden and most of the South have been contested between Saudi supported “recognized” Hadi government and Southern Transitional Council — or better put, Southern secessionists.
But US put a spanner in the works by bringing UAE into the South — and as UAE has practically no soldiers of their own, the help came from various US private military for hire,
This robbed Saudis from what they needed most — and thought they had it — influence over secessionists, Why does KSA care?
Saudis wanted to have a border with South and place oil pipeline to the other side of Mandeb Straits, and have and export terminal open to Indian Ocean. To that end, many wealthy Saudis have invested heavily in South, like the port of Mukkalla. With UAE and US controlling South, I suspect Saudis want to keep part of former North and part of South closer to Aden.
Either way — the war happening here is rely between US and Saudis. US is interested in controlling South, for a combination of reasons: control Straits, and keep Saudi oil exports boxed in — through Persian Gulf and Straits of Hormuz, or through Red Sea and Al-Mandeb Straits.
Houthis, or North Yemen is a hostage to this dilemma.
Saudis — if they force North to capitulate, would declare Yemen to be one country, delegitimizing Southern claims. And with it claims that UAE and US place on controlling them,
Saudis will not end the war unless they get one of the two. One, AL-Mandeb Straits free from US control, they is free from USE/US controlling Southern secessionists. Or two, Saudis controlling extended Aden area, and part of North Yemen, to allow their oil shipping infrastructure out of the box they are currently in.
It is FASCINATING that nobody is asking US why is it hanging on, sticking around — what for? What does it want from this conflict.
It is not to defend Saudis, as Saudis are the aggressors here.
Equally fascinating that nobody is asking -/ what do the Saudis want out of this?
To make matters worse — China is poised to take cable from Pakistan under Indian Ocean to East Africa. The path(s) across Africa has not been determined yet, but the objective is to connect to Europe. Today most of Mediterranean European traffic that goes to Middle East is connected via Red Sea cable, and the overland route is over Egypt. It is suspected that US is capturing all the communication from Middle East. This is why Chinese cable is a threat, as it provides an alternative, As you know, China has a base in Djibouti, as does US.
Saudi Arabia is a leading US ally because it provides political support against Iran and financial support for ISIS. Also KSA is the top US military sales customer, attacks “Iran proxy” Yemen and shows promise of better ties with Israel. . . IOW it is just as rotten as the US. Birds of a feather.
This is what we are meant to see.
Saudi Arabia was up until June 2017 leading US vassal that was allowed to make money and spend it on European and American markets, including weapons. The architects of Salafi Islamic militants, going back to Al-Qaeda, were successive Saudi Kings and de facto rulers, Crown Princes. Among the key architects of Wahhabi style militant cults in Middle East was once Deputy and then the Minister of Interior, Mohammed Bin Nayef (MBN). He crested Syria Task force, and was key CIA “anti-terrirism”
partner. He was part of ISIS concept, as means of uniting disparate groups, giving them command and logistics, including cult like medieval version of Islam. His rise to power was meteoric, as once King Salman came to power, there was fear that the new Crown Prince may curtail some expenditures.
But Prince Muqrin had only two months, before US lobbying prevailed and MBN was appointed Crown Prince in 2014. ISIS took hold in Iraq and Syria, Iraqi forces were decimated, in like in Syria like in Iraq major cities fell. Territory between Syria and Iraq became Caliphate. and ISIS suddenly had a Madison Avenue glamour of the super villain. It was inly a matter of time that Iraqis had to cry uncle, and US troupes were in. So far— so good. MBN starts a war in Yemen in partnership with US, and as atrocities there mounted , not much condemnation was heard until MBN was deposed.
But ME changed with Russia entering Syria in 2015. And joint intelligence center was formed in Baghdad comprising of Iraq, Iran and Russia. Since, Iraqi troupes did not run into
ISIS ambushes, and progressed steadily, 2016 was a bad year for Saudi ISIS project. Iraq formed national militias, mostly Iraqi Shia, while Russia pushed ISIS steadily past Palmira into technically US field of anti-ISIS operations over Syria.
In Iraq, by 2017 ISIS was surrounded in Mosul. US strategy consisted of using Kurdish fighters to oust ISIS, then remain permanently Kurd occupied.
And Trump cane to power delivering bad news — unlike Obama that targeted mythical leaders — Trump promised to fight ISIS. He was shrewd. Handwriting was on the wall
that Iraq and Syria were going to defeat ISIS — an Trump wanted to be among winners.
This shocked Saudi Arabia as they were sure that US wanted a version of Caliphate on Iraqi-Syria border. But US changed strategy, employing Clinton preferred solution — weaponize Kurds on Syria-Iraq border. By creating such entities, supported militarily by US fighting ISIS — but at the same time create Kurdish entities that are carving their own territory in Syria and Iraq. But US relied heavily on Turkish PKK —alienating Peshmerga Kurds in Iraq, and many Kurds in Syria. Not to mention brought in Turkey into Syria and Iraq.
Did not go to plan. After Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia — and before fall of Mosul — Saudis in a court coup removed MBN. Why was court coup necessary — including rounding up MBN supporters in Ritz? It was necessary, as MBN in US advice refused to voluntarily resign when told so by Allegiance Council. King Salman’s son replaced him.
From that date forward, US and Saudi Arabia are in a state of permanent low visibility confrontation — masked under the dislike for MBS. Every unsavory act we supported while MBN was in power, we find objectionable in MBS. It is boring to talk about Kashoggi murder, when it is clear that assassins are identified and they are linked to former boss — MBN.
US report is as valid as a famous Dossier. US asked Turkey to include US intelligence report among the Kashoggi case records Turkey possesses. Turkey refused.
Saudi Arabia — no matter the rhetoric, does not want war with Iran. Saudi Arabia is not defensible geographically . All of its water infrastructure is ABOVE the ground, and its desalinization plants are vulnerable.
Saudi Arabia is redirecting money into massive domestic investments. Saudis — to the great angst of neocons, no longer support any militant groups. Whatever attacks are conducted in Syria ir Iraq and called ISIS — must be paid by somebody else.
Saudi Arabia has many projects in Russia and Russia is investing in Saudi Arabia. Same goes for China. Saudis are diversifying investments.
In Yemen, it is a battle of wills between Saudis and US, They do not agree on the end-game.
Remember, as soon as MBS came to power, in Egypt all countries that slapped sanctions in Qatar met and decided that conditions should be changed to “principles”.
The moment Trump was gone — they kissed and made up. The show was for Trump, to be “tough” in Qatar, Iran’s partner in gas field. Now it does not matter.
Saudis opened Embassy in Baghdad with explicit purpose to have a safe place to communicate with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is a leading US ally because it provides political support against Iran and financial support for ISIS. Also KSA is the top US military sales customer, attacks “Iran proxy” Yemen and shows promise of better ties with Israel. . . IOW it is just as rotten as the US. Birds of a feather.
Financial support for ISIS, your a bigger liar then I previously thought. You live in an ocean of lies.