When the Obama Administration reached the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, among the biggest opponents was Saudi Arabia. With President-elect Joe Biden expected to rejoin the process, the Saudis are stepping forward again.
Saudi FM Prince Faisal bin Farhan is warning that any move to rejoin the Iran deal could only be sustainable if Biden consults with the Gulf Arab states first. He added he is “ready to engage” when Biden takes office.
The incoming administration hasn’t commented, but there are reasons to doubt this happening. The talks would be high risk for little reward, as the Saudis are almost certain to remain opposed to the deal, and the US oughtn’t give the impression they need a Saudi imprimatur to make the move.
The new administration may feel it is only courteous to keep the Saudis in the loop, but would want to make clear they aren’t asking permission. This is particularly true in the case of an early deal, as Biden will want to stake out a more independent foreign policy than his predecessor.
“Must?” Really?
Silly Saudis. We only take our orders from Israel.
I don’t know, Wars … I agree with Chomsky in that it’s not that Israel sets the direction for the US locally as much as Israel is a convenient excuse and user of the systems that be.
It’s (mostly) all about empire. Israel uses our imperial project to get their projects done locally too; but w/o our predilection to “control” and our need for Mil/Ind projection, there’s no way Israel alone would be able to move Congress as well as it does.
They are pushing on an open door , in other words…
Why on earth not? The USA asks Israel’s permission for any action, so of course its second best friend must be asked as well.
It is a UN certified agreement. We are obligated to return to the agreement without pre-condition regardless of what Israel, Saudi Arabia, of the feckless German minister says. We certainly do not need to consult with them.
The arrogance of these people is astounding. The result of giving toddlers everything they have cried about.
The only thing I’d quibble with would be the word “obligated” … legal obligations apply to lesser beings, not the “best and the brightest” of the empire in DC. They “create reality” as they move, don’t you know?
No, the UN security council approved the deal, but that does not imply obligation. The deal was never presented as being lawfully binding. If either nation backs out, then the other is no longer obligated. That was part of the deal, If Iran does not fully live up to terms, then the US can re-apply sanctions.