Recent rounds of sabotage attacks against Iranian targets have been consistently blamed on Israel. It’s not just Israel being Israel, according to some officials familiar with the situation, but rather, Israel trying to start a war while Trump is still in power.
Israel sees war as a tougher sell if Biden gets elected, while Trump would be easier, especially ahead of the vote. EU officials were reportedly concerned Israel would try to provoke something soon. Israeli officials refuse to comment on specific sabotage operations.
Israeli officials concede it is “common knowledge” they are behind some of the Iran attacks, but they don’t want to specify which ones when there are so many candidates. Officials also say their policy on Iran is clear, without confirming or denying trying to suck the US into a war.
Trump’s own administration has some officials very keen on provoking fights with Iran, but so far Trump has resisted launching a war. It’s not clear, with his “most pro-Israel ever” label on the line, he could resist joining an Israeli war.
Israel has been keen on a war with Iran for decades, and is always trying to pick a good time to sucker the US into the conflict. While Iran focuses on defensive preparedness, it’s likely they’ll be advised by allies to try to resist any reaction to the provocations through November hoping that as this window closes, Israel will dial back attacks.
This may backfire, Trump talks tough but when push comes to shove he folds and not just once or twice, all the time. Would be a good lesson for the Israelis.
This seems like a very poor time in history to be starting a war with a country like Iran.
The USA has never fought a war this size before it makes Iraq look like a skirmish. Factor into that the country is crippled by an epidemic and in debt at record levels a war just makes everything worse.
Agree 100%. The American people have got other things on their minds these days and $4.00 gasoline will be the end of any chance of Trump being reelected.
War seems like the only way he can win. It would resolve the economic problem by putting it on another plane altogether. And it would likely destroy China’s belt & road and eliminate her as an economic rival.
Trump and Bibi are either sociopaths or psychos. I’m convinced it’s the latter. Staying on the subject, (1) America is emotionally and mentally unbalanced (it happens when half of people come from broken homes and violence is a way of life), and (2) Israels are supremacists (same as saying they are a sick).
I’m still trying to figure out the difference between the Master Race, the Exceptional Nation, and the Chosen. Help me out…
There’s an old saying “kill them all and let God sort them out.”
There is no difference. Different words — all signifying same. Means we are superior — the rest of the mankind, the inferiors, just have to live by our rules. We decide what is right or wrong, there are no mysteries — be that God or Universe — we are the definition and the embodiment of it all.
The difference is only in tone, not substance. American version — Exceptional Nation, is slightly goofy, but sincerely supremacist, German Master Race — serious, ponderous, Jewish Chosen People — pagan concept of a God with whom special people have a relationship, and with whom individual can bargain for favors.
All three signify distinction between us and them. And all three have serious internal contradiction. Master Race is white, but not all white. Slavic ethnicity is inferior. Exceptional Nation is exceptional, but who exactly feels that way in an identity-riddled nation, and while Jewish Chosen people may look simple on the surface, tied by religion — but it is not. Not everyone can just accept the religion and be chosen, one has to be ethnically bound as well.
All supremacy is same — assumes being above others, and assumes right to set their own rules. People infected by the supremacy bug do not understand the concept of justice, they cannot. Not every human is deserving respect, thus the sociopathy is a natural outcome, What psychiatrists call conscience and religions call soul, cannot inhabit such beings that do not get “justice for all”.
But their sins will find them.
The world knows Iran does not want war. Iran will resist war straight up to the election by all means.
All sorts of foreign policy experts have predicting a war with Iran for close to 20 years. It has not happened yet.
But as always, they will want US troops to do all the dying for their foreign policy objectives….and likely the US government will help them out with that goal….they always do.
Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel
of course the US had a hand in the sabotage attacks against Iran.
Yes, it would be a dream to come true for the psychopaths over at Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). Unfortunately, they are well funded by the zionist oligarchs and have strong influence with pompass, hook, and the other anti-iranian psychopaths in state dept.
Trump, altho weak willed to these cretins, must muzzle them or fire them if any chance of avoiding further confrontation. Equally unfortunate, kushner appears to be a still close advisor and if anything, he and nitenyaaahoo are prob on speed dial relationship.
The war was started by Iran in 1992, when its agents bombed the Israeli embassy in Argentina, killing 29. It continued in the form of outright Judaeophobia, when it bombed a Jewish cultural center in Argentina,killing 85. The war continued when it created and supported Hezbollah, sending them close to Israels northern borders,It continued with contant threats and lurid neonazi cartoons Iran is patient, but it is aggressive, not defensive
lie Berman, lie.
You just can’t handle the truth
Iran sent folks close to the Israeli border? Why is this not all over the evening news??? I had no idea!
Haven’t you heart of Hezbollah?
Yes, it is an entirely Lebanese political party, that kicked Israel’s butt and forced an end to the 20+ year Israeli occupation of Lebanon.
Armed and controlled by Iran-not Lebanon or the Lebanese army. since when do peaceful political forces-o
Hezbollah is praised by most countries for kicking Israel out of Lebanon. Israel is a perpetual thief, and purveyor of terrorism. This is a daily norm for Israel.
And the European and Moslem world despised the ancestors of the Israeli to this very day, kidnapped their children, pulled their beards to shame them the streets, flogged them to death, raped their women and little girls, created special and onerous rules to shame and impoverish them, robbed them, locked them up in their religious houses and burned them alive, exiled them without cause, castrated, and put them into death factories where they were killed by them by the millions in an attempt to finally exterminate them. If the price of safety is thie own nation, armed and ready, then i say fine
So because some Europeans and Muslims acted like savages it is okay for Israel to do the same on a daily basis?? The actions of Israel since its inception in 1948 have been morally bankrupt and completely against the norms peace. Israel should be an example of tolerance and peace instead of being loathed, ridiculed, and hated by most of the world.
There is no proof of any Iranian involvement in the Israeli embassy bombing in 1992…Where is yours?? Get something tangible and on my end I will start with the Israeli terror bombing of the King David Hotel…it gets better from here…
Hezbollah came to be because of Israeli terror, and its illegal invasion of Beirut whose IDF under Ariel Sharon murdered over twenty thousand civilians..including the Sabria and Chatilla massacres that the IDF stood by and allowed to happen to primarily woman, and children.
Thankfully Hezbollah kicked the Israeli’s out of Lebanon and proceeded to stop Israeli terror against the Lebanese and Palestinian camps near the border. Furthermore all of the illegal terrorist overflights of Lebanon by the IDF need to be stopped..hopefully with anti-aircraft weapons that Hezbollah has received from Iran.
Are you suggesting the Israelis have a time machine? The King David Hotel bombing took place two years before there was any such thing as an “Israeli.”
And why did Israel enter Lebanon-to stop decades of rocket attacks and terrorist incursions upon her civilians
There is no Judaeophobia in Iran. They have the largest Jewish population in the ME outside of Israel and practice freely, and are also in the Iranian parliament. You’re in the wrong forum…your AIPAC forum awaits.
Not sure how to take your post..dark satire, Likud/Settler propaganda, Mossad snake oil….none of it true.
This is precisely what I’ve warned about many times here. Ayalet Shaked said in regards to annexation, “There is no better time” (than under a Trump administration.) The same applies to starting a war with Iran.
Let there be no doubt. If Iran makes the mistake of retaliating effectively before the November election, Trump will escalate and try to spin it as his being “effective against Iranian terrorism.” He will do so because he will have no choice, even if it risks his defeat in the election. He will also be concerned that his supporters will be disappointed if he doesn’t “defend Israel.”
And of course, if a major conflict between Israel and Iran breaks out, Trump will have the complete backing of Congress in getting involved. As I’ve said many times, if Israel or someone else engineers a serious confrontation, Trump will have no choice but to support Israel, regardless of what he (allegedly) “wants”.
Iran ‘Won’t Be Alone’ If U.S. Attacks, Russian Official Says
Wait this is the entire article? Lol
Iran says it wants Israel erased from the pages of history. Thousands of Iranian chant “Death to Israel!” “Death to Israel!” is printed on Iranian missiles. Iran has boasted that it helped Hezbollah & Hamas kill Israelis. Iran has offered to help anyone willing to attack Israel. That’s war mongering!
Israel wants good relations with Iran. Israel wants to buy Iranian oil & Israel wants to sell Israeli goods to Iran.
If what you say is true, then a good start would be for the Israeli regime to 1) stop making shit up about a non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons program, and 2) declare its own nuclear arsenal as part of signing on to, and accepting obligations under, the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
If what you say is true, then a good start would be for the Israeli regime to 1) stop making shit up about a non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons program, and 2) declare its own nuclear arsenal as part of signing on to, and accepting obligations under, the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
I could see it happening if it appears that Trump’s chances of getting re-elected are slim come September, October. Of course, the Israelis will want us to do the dirty work. The fact that the largest Jewish community outside of Israel is in Iran and the fact that one of the fastest growing Christian populations is also in Iran, won’t mean anything to Bibi and the neo-cons.
Trump’s prospects for reelection are much better than the MSM would have you believe. He could be in pretty good shape come October.