President Trump’s Israel peace plan is considered by most to be dead on arrival, but the Israeli government is looking to make part of it, the part where they get to keep a good chunk of the occupied West Bank, an immediate reality.
On Sunday, Netanyahu is planning to move ahead with the outright Israeli annexation of 30% of the occupied West Bank, including all Israeli settlements as well as the Jordan Valley, in a bid to ensure that the Palestinians, even if they get a state, will never have a proper border with anyone.
Netanyahu was already advocating exactly these annexations for awhile, arguing that since President Trump had endorsed the annexation of Golan from Syria, it would be safe to annex parts of Palestine and expect similar US approval.
Certainly nothing Trump said in unveiling the plan would’ve changed Netanyahu’s mind, and indeed Trump said he would recognize Israeli sovereignty over all this newly claimed land as part of the peace deal.
US Ambassador David Friedman endorsed the idea immediately, telling reporters after Trump’s speech that Israel “does not have to wait at all” on the plan and is free to annex those areas at any time with US blessing.
We see the American Left and American right so divided with their own domestic squabbles, citizens are not-seeing-the-forest- from-the trees.
Astonishingly, the American foreign policy right wing is not asking logical questions on this dramatic policy shift. What happened to Murphy’s law? Why wouldn’t Fatah and Hamas unite? The PA in the diplomatic world is the only sole Palestinian legal authority. What is Trump & company’s Plan B, if something dramatic happens like its dissolvement. Is the CIA really telling him its has no possiblity of happening?
Basically, Americans have their heads up their butts most of the time.
Full speed ahead and damn the consequences.
Why would anyone listen to CIA fairytales ???
The Israelis are worse than Hitler ever was.
Right. Why just take a pound–take the whole damn carcass.
How can real Americans endorse the criminal ‘Deal of the Century’ that gives Israel basically all of Palestine, lock, stock, and barrel with no questions asked.
As patriotic freedom-loving Americans are you willing to send the Palestinian people a collective ‘f *** you’ in their decades long aspirations for a nation state?
Our fearless stable genius bellowed “This is your last chance!”, here’s $50 billion either take it or leave it or better yet capitulate or die.
His neocon minions have praised the “chosen one’s” resolve to bend over backward for Bibi and company’s ideals of peace and prosperity. It’s just amazing that Trump’s ass is not bleeding profusely.
Real Americans don’t get to decide anything except the name tags on their jailers.
How anybody can accept a peace deal when there’s no input from both sides involved? The only thing in this “piece” deal is Kushner Properties and the Trump organization get to carve up the West Bank and Gaza to put up condos.
What are you talking about . The largest ethnic group in Yugoslavia was ethnically cleansed from over 1/2 of Yugoslavia By Roman Catholics and radical Muslim forces backed up with NATO planes and the international community called it liberation .
If the Palestinians truly care about their land, they will hold their ground until Israel has either removed them by force or they are killed in their homes.
Like we Americans are doing ???
This is only the beginning of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine for a larger Zionist Israel, and US taxpayers will pay for that like the goodies Wash. gives them every year.
Then they will pay for the same being done to themselves in America.
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Congress will surely do something to stop Israeli aggression, until they behave like a normal country. Sanctions? The 5th fleet? B-52s?
Eventually the world will say “enough” to the terrorism of the US, and the same goes for Israel.
ALL Americans are too fat, lazy, comfortable… get off their asses and stop THEMSELVES from becoming Palestinians in their own America.
The Yellow Vests have now shown how it’s done SUCCESSFULLY. Virginia is showing America how totalitarianism is about to be instituted….with the head of government. Drones are spying on Americans now. Soon it will be armed drones.
We already suffer COINTELPRO 2.0 with COPS Gang Stalking Program. Organized Stalking. Fusion Centers…where illegally obtained cell phone intercepts are passed to local police and civilians who have NO security clearance. From there…Infragard and Citizen Corps carry out terrorism on a local scale….IN AMERICA. Community Oriented Policing program Grant’s buy off local police, prosecutors, and courts. There is no legal recourse available to those targeted BY CONTRACT by our government.
Yet Americans continue to sit on that couch…..with the exception of a few…to wit: Richmond.
The good thing is… only takes a few proactive reactionaries to effect a successful change. Our 1st American revolution, the Russian 1917 revolution (sadly), Castro’s Cuban revolution.
It is time for Americans to act….or accept becoming Palestinians in America.