President Trump’s claim Gen. Qassem Soleimani was going to attack four embassies was immediately suspect, both because of the absence of evidence offered with it, and its odd specificity. It sounded made up. It was.
Trump’s accusation is rapidly falling apart, with Defense Secretary Mark Esper conceding that there simply was no evidence behind Trump’s claim. Even Trump admitted it was just his belief, and it seems it wasn’t backed by anything other than a wild hunch from the president which everyone else in the administration had to pretend was gospel truth.
On top of that, allegations that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” at all don’t seem well founded, as evidenced by the president having signed off on killing Soleimani seven months ago, just whenever the military might get around to it.
So with all those lies behind us, President Trump now is taking the position that “it doesn’t really matter” if the four embassy thing was made up, or that the “imminent threat” claim was untrue.
Trump now says that Soleimani deserved to die whether or not anything he said about him was true, because of his “horrible past.” Soleimani’s history as a top military leader for a country the US doesn’t get along with would in essence cover this.
And yet despite Trump’s claims, US law has made clear that political assassinations are illegal. Claims of “imminent threats” are so common by the military specifically because it offers them some vague legal pretext to circumvent the law against assassination for policy’s sake. Having lost that, Trump’s claim that it “doesn’t matter” seems to fly in the face of American legal standards.
what about the two billion or so people on the planet who believe Trump “deserves to die”?
Well, actually, this why we have courts. Court everywhere. Courts all over the planet to serve justice. But what if, the court convicts you and you not only snub your nose at them but threaten to arrest them if they come here? Like how trump pardoned that butcher seal? Who is above the law? nato,usa,israel,uk, france…mmm..notice a similarity?
At least.
There probably isn’t any straight forward illegality after the April 2019 designation of IRGC as foreign terrorist organization by the State Department over the opposition of CIA and DoD. It’s a bit late to complaint now about the consequences of earlier, open actions, not challenged (enough) by those in the position to challenge this. Because too many in US congress love war, the war on terror, stretching back a few presidencies.
Agree with most of your thoughts. The domestic law situation is unclear and the dereliction of duty by Congress palpable. This is empire time, not the republic of the founders, that’s for sure.
However, the international law situation is crystal clear: this was a political assassination, pure and simple. A senior military member of a state not at war with us was killed in a third country (with a local commander and a bunch of local soldiers thrown in for good measure). In the absence of a known, imminent, and direct threat from these individuals, this is absolutely counter to international law.
Is it even possible to declare a regular state or a formal part of that state to be a terrorist organization? If use at will, it would create a giant loop hole to declare ones enemy terrorist and suspend the international laws on war. This goes back to the strange situation in Lebanon, where Hezbollah remains full part of the political and social fabric but is still declared terrorist by those having no other legitimacy to counter them. Of course, because of this similarity, it’s rather clear where the initiative for these tactics originated. Then it became simply a kind of “infective” way of thinking.
Hezbollah was the only effective organization that defended lebanon from israel terrorism/occasional invasion. What is a terrorist? Some mad nut like you find in the usa who guns down innocents for a thrill? Is a terrorist someone who joins an organization because they want to defend their family, their land, their relgion and home from arroant white armed asshoes who keep coming here decade after decade causing massive problems for what? Who is the terrorist? The volunteer that joins a gang as a paid gangsta of capitalism? Goes to where hes told to do violent illegal things in lands with people who know as an illegal occupier?
Find out who goes where to do what and that painting is a mirror of humanity. Big boys pick on little boys and steal from them if they can. They steal for religion,flag all endorsed,blessed sanctioned by apple pie,gods,schools,your dad working at northrop. Every you go its the cowboys and the indians.Chinese and the uyghurs, israel with the palestinians,usa with the lakota, russ with checyhians,etc..i despise this affliction..
War Crimes
Caged children
lies atop of lies
does it matter
who cares?
stealing from charities
does it matter
who cares?
trump this
its all the same
and yes
obama too
Does it matter
to the victims
of our terrorism
over there
Does it matter
to you…Do you care?
You bet I care!
Yes, I care deeply. When I read the horrible news that IRGC Commander Qassem Soleimani had been assassinated in a drone strike, I cried for around 10 minutes or so .. I thought that a war with Iran was imminent.
There was NO justification whatsoever for this assassination. Soleimani had been helping US and other forces in their fight against ISIS and other Jihadists and was partly responsible for their defeat. Both Porky Pompass and Bibi Nutty&Yahoo must be held accountable for this crime and pressuring DJT into giving the order .. DJT must be held accountable for cowardice by capitulating to those 2 scumbags.
what is war?
do we even know anymore
did we ever?
What is your goal
to steal or defend
Are you home
are you ‘over there’?
Talk to me of war
behind your keyboards
sipping a latte
while your taxes are drained
to feed a monster
How dare any of us here
to critique over there
as if we had some divine right
As if we above the law cops
handing out justice not with courts
not with integrity
No we use the broom
we white wash
we spin evil as good
wrap it in a dirty flag
wave a quran,bible or tanakh
go a’slughtertin’
as we cherry pick law values and principles
committing nefarious acts
we condemn those we hate
but turn our back when our friends
do the same with us
Trump knew damn well that the 4 embassy thing would be debunked, that’s why he made sure it was made known it was his “belief”. He knows the story just had to get out there, it didn’t have to be true. So if by some slim chance no one debunked it, great. But if anyone called him on it, then that’s all he had to say is it was his “belief”. His idiot base buys into it and all is well in Trumpville. Plus he doesn’t even get credit for yet another lie since it was all just a “belief”.
Same excuse they used for the Iraq war – they claimed Saddam was a “bad guy”, so that justified an illegal war based on lies.
When are people going to recognize that the US government is one hundred percent *corrupt* and deserves to be overthrown more than Saddam’s was?
when your troops
go over there
without permission
without law
without truth
there will suffer war
Do you suffer here
when is the last time
your nation was occupied
do your towns get bombed
911 false flag
does not matter
Quit funding terror
quit exporting terror
quit sending war hos over there
from your plastic bubble of dissonance
The United Nation prohibits Soleimani to leave Iran . During the Iraq protest against the Unites States embassy in Iraq, these Protestors were trying to get into the American Embassy. No doubt it looked like what happened during the 70’s, the time of Carter was President. These Protestors were not able to get in, at the same time also a missile was sent out to kill Soleimani, he was killed in IRAQ Baghdad airport. not IRAN but IRAQ. United Nation prohibited him from leaving Iran in the first place. Now why was he in IRAQ in the first place at the same time the embassy was being bombarded by these so called protestors ??? And you are going to tell me there is NO CORRELATION ????
“United Nation prohibited him from leaving Iran in the first place.”
“Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” — United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13.