At Summit, North Korea Offered Everything, Trump Said He Needed ‘More Than That’ Advisors doubt North Korea will ever meet Trump's demands
US Sanctions Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Aligned With Iraqi Govt US officials accuse group of being an 'Iranian proxy'
US-Backed Kurds Say 500 ISIS Surrender in East Syria Spokesman: 3,500 civilians also evacuated from tiny village
Report: North Korea Rebuilt Structures at Missile Site Bolton threatens more sanctions if they don't stop
Philippines Defense Secretary Wants Review of US Treaty to Avoid War With China Questions value of Mutual Defense Treaty From 1951
Progressive Lawmakers Launch the ‘End the Forever War’ Pledge Veterans group seeks backing of lawmakers to end wars
Top US General Seeks More Troops in Europe to Confront Russia Says US also considering sending more weapons to Ukraine
Trump Says He ‘Agrees 100%’ With Keeping US Troops in Syria Endorses letter from Congress calling presence 'essential'
Senators Introduce Bill to Get US Out of Afghanistan Sen. Paul says US should declare victory, withdraw
Yemen’s Houthis Slam UK Foreign Secretary Over Hodeidah Comments Hunt accused of mischaracterizing Sweden deal