The upcoming NATO summit, with President Trump in attendance, will almost certainly fall off the rails quickly and center on US demands for other NATO nations to spend more on their militaries.
NATO seems to be trying to preempt this by emphasizing that there is at least some increase in spending on the horizon, even though the vast majority is going to still be below the 2.0% GDP spending ordered by the US.
Trying to emphasize the silver lining, however, is going to center on Bulgaria, which will be temporarily, technically, exceeding the 2.0% figure by buying US warplanes, a one-time purchase.
The US calls for more spending are built heavily around exactly that, however, the idea that a lot of countries would only be able to get over 2.0% by buying expensive US weapons. Bulgaria did, just this once, but it’s not clear how many more warplanes they can be suckered into buying.
Confirmation in spades-crank up that spending, ratchet up the threat, send in your orders for us arms sales!
Pull the plug on this beast-it is an antiquated joke for full employment for fevered arm chair warriors in their multi million dollar hqtrs (new) with state of the art briefing technology (sarc).
All distraction from the fact the US needs to spend far less. Like, start with a 25% cut across the board.
I could certainly find a bunch of good (social, health and educational) uses for the additional $100 BILLION that these european serfs and slaves of the US Empire, many of whom haven’t even got hardly a pot to piss in, are getting ready to piss away on their nato
that the people of europe don’t rise up and throw off these militaristic waste makers and neo-mcCarthyite scare-mongers is a testament to the stupidity of the times and the success of the MIC narrative which has flooded the world in the last 15-20 years