Speaking at the UN Security Council emergency meeting on Venezuela, Vice President Mike Pence said that the United States remains determined to see President Maduro ousted, and that “all options are on the table.”
Venezuela’s Ambassador Samuel Moncada stated the obvious, that this is a threatened US invasion, and urged the council to do something to “stop this war of Donald Trump.”
Pence, by contrast, rejected the idea that anyone could stop the US, saying that Russia and other nations need to “step aside” and let it happen. “This is our neighborhood,” Pence added in comments to reporters, saying Russia needs to immediately withdraw its own military forces and the world needs to recognize the US-backed Guaido as the proper ruler of Venezuela.
Beyond that, Pence demanded that the UN Security Council revoke the ambassador’s credentials and force him to return to Venezuela, saying “you shouldn’t be here.” Russia rejected the comments, accusing the US of having provoked the crisis and saying the people of Venezuela deserve the right to self-determination.
“Do as we say, not as we do,” says the phony Christian goober.
Pence is another DC neo-con viper. Sanctions on Venezuela, like Iran, are not designed to punish the rulers of those countries. They are targeting those countries people to punish them. For not overthrowing their governments and installing a puppet government is considered to be an insult to the DC power elite.
“This is our neighborhood,” Pence added in comments to reporters
Saying that with a straight face must have been difficult considering we are in every neighborhood throughout the world including Russia’s. But phony Christian Mike, like all other phony Christians, has no conscience.
Unbelievable statement, while we’re nosing around and settling in everyone else’s neighborhood, especially Russia’s neighborhood. What a hypocritical statement by Pence.
Yes, John Wells, it is an unbelievable statement. In fact, it’s an outright lie. And Pence calls himself a “Christian”??? Here we are, nosing around and settling in everyone else’s neighborhood, especially that of Russia. Pence isn’t a true “Christian”, he’s a phony. Period.
Venezuela’s a sovereign nation. with Nicolas Maduro as its democratically elected President. Just because it’s our neighborhood, it doesn’t give us the right to intervene in the domestic affairs of any of the countries within our neighborhood. Pence sorely needs to keep his lying mouth shut.
For the record, Russia is 70 miles from Alaska. Cuba is 90 miles from Florida. Venezuela is over a thousand miles away.
“Mr Monroe’s Neighborhood”
The people of Venezuela have been marked as pawns of the 2020 election. The trump cabal plans for a campaign against “socialism”. The conditions in Venezuela, brought on by sanctions, monetary warfare, and 5th column CIA mercenaries are to simply become memes for the campaign. Oil is just a bonus if it comes their way. Where is John Kelly ? Former board member of the School of the Americas, and commander of SoCom during the Honduran coup ? Spending time with family?
If large numbers of people in Venezuela believe the US has caused the chaos for the purpose of overthrowing the government, then the US actions will prove self-defeating. That alone would be enough to bolster Maduro.
The problem is, that is probably true, and the truth will out.
Maduro is no prize, but a US regime change to neo-liberals and the old oligarchs taking back the oil is not a prize either.
To the extent Pence tied this to Cuba, he admitted the best things about Maduro, that he made a deal with Cuba trading oil for health care, getting doctors and nurses for vast numbers who had none, in return for the oil that otherwise went to the US and lined the pockets of expats.
The USA should be removed from the Security Council if this is the best behaviors they can muster. To say another country cannot be represented in the General Assembly because they want the government of that country to have a more Neo-Liberate policy is ridiculous. Flagrant violations of the UN Charter and resolutions must be punished equally on all members.
If the US is allowed to continue its aggression unchallenged the world will find out pretty much what the Nazis would have done if they’d won WWII; and most people in it will find out what it was like to be Native Americans who were there long before us whiteys, or African slaves forced to provide labour, or Asian peasants who just wanted to be left alone, or Arabs with lots of oil beneath their feet.
The US will not stop until it is stopped so world war will happen. Unfortunately.