Long-standing US efforts to impose regime change in Venezuela may be coming to a head with a possible opposition bid to unseat President Maduro, who was recently reelected to a second term, and who US officials say is a dictator with no claim to power.
The US has been urging opposition leader Juan Guaido to declare himself “interim president,” and President Trump is said to be considering recognizing Guaido as the “legitimate” president of Venezuela to try to advance the cause of regime change.
Guaido has suggested he could make himself interim president for the sake of holding new elections. His allies are in the process of trying to get the Venezuelan military on board for this, promising protection to military members who back the regime change.
The US position is less about the legitimacy of the recent election, and more that they’ve wanted Maduro removed from office for some time, and are backing anything that might make that happen. Since taking office, President Trump has reportedly talked up attacking Venezuela outright, and has spoken very enthusiastically about the idea of Venezuela’s military just launching a coup on their own to seize power.
This is always a dangerous position for US officials to publicly take. Historically, Maduro has used the specter of US imperialism as a pretext for cracking down on political opponents who the US seems to like better than him, and the Trump Administration seems to be going out of its way to endorse Guaido, even though doing so may taint him in the eyes of some voters.
Now, Imagine the zio-MSM hysteria if Putin….
Isn’t that interfering with their elections?
It’s a damn shame that America won’t let people of other countries live in peace.
if they did what they were told to do we would.
Chavez returned Venezuela to its people by sharing oil revenues with the indigenous Venezuelans, the impoverished “indians”. The “opposition”, the colonial class who had long taken all of Venezuela’s oil revenue for themselves, objected. No surprise there! Now they want it back.
Unfortunately for them, Venezuela’s poor are now organized and vote, and as there are many more of them than the “opposition” — colonial comprador class, the opposition is sh*t out of luck. Life’s a b*tch!
Meanwhile, the MSM is completely on board to “catapult” the anti-Maduro/Chavez Kool-Aid, and the US Govt, Deep State, Neocons, Oil Industry,… just about everybody, is working tirelessly to effect regime-change in Venezuela by any means possible.
Maduro is the legitimate and legitimately elected president of Venezuela, no matter what the Fake News MSM bleats!
Maduro got 5.8 million votes, the opposition candidate got 1.8 million. And yes, the “opposition” boycotted the election, but look at those numbers. Boycott or no boycott, no way they were going to overcome that 4 million vote advantage.