US Secretary of Defense James Mattis has submitted a letter of resignation to President Trump on Thursday, citing differences on myriad issues, and saying he believes Trump deserves a Secretary of Defense “whose views are better aligned with yours.”
Mattis was one of Trump’s first cabinet picks, and long-serving despite reports of mounting differences with Trump. It’s not clear exactly why he is resigning just now, though a lot of media outlets are speculating it is related to the end of the Syria War.
President Trump announced earlier in the day on Twitter, before Mattis’ letter went public, that he would be “retiring, with distinction, at the end of February.” Trump has yet to name a successor, but says he will do so shortly.
There is no early indication of who this next defense secretary might be, and while Mattis emphasized the need to confront Russia and China and the value of NATO in his letter, it’s not clear what Trump’s priority would be that differs from Mattis’ own view.

Might I recommend Col. Douglas Macgregor. He is the most level headed of the bunch as Secretary of Defense.
Good choice. The MIC hates him. The Pentagon hates him. The CIA hates him. All the alphabet agencies hate him. He has all the right enemies.
I’ll have to do a search on that guy. In the meantime, I recommend Paul Van Riper, the USMC general whose hyper-guerrilla tactics as OPFOR commander virtually obliterated a US carrier battle group in a 2002 war game. (The exercise managers were so humiliated that they rebooted the game and ordered Van Riper to lose.) We need someone able to think way outside the box kicking backsides at the Pentagon.
Macgregor ain’t perfect, but he is a man of analysis. I read on Van Riper and it is his position I care for not what he did in 2002. Perhaps he would make an excellent field commander.
Plus I prefer to have someone from the Army as Secretary of Defense than the Marines.
Rand Paul. Or fire Pompeo and make Paul SOS. Fire Pompeo regardless. Bolton too. Might as well get greedy.
Don’t get ahead of yourself, wars. The current situation is very fluid. We still haven’t heard a word on this from team Jared and Bibi. Maybe these troops being withdrawn from Syria will be redeployed. Maybe Mattis was not OK with that. Only time will tell.
I appreciate your use of the word fluid. Have also heard stuff on line about US withdrawing troops and Israelis being able to act more freely. But this doesn’t make sense. With US troops out of the way. Russians, Iranians, Hezbollah and possibly Turkey will not hesitate to defend their interests. All for getting rid of Pompeo and Bolton (throw Haley in there for good luck as well).
I can’t help it, I’m almost giddy. The letdown will be difficult but I’m going to enjoy this while my fantasies last.
The news is really starting to turn me on for a change.
This is why civilian leaders are supposed to be in-charge of where wars are fought. Once the military get involved they have no ability to disengage, perhaps the 18 years in Afghanistan is an example.
Don’t let the doorknob hit you in the ass!
Or as the other old saying goes -don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
Good riddance to Sad Dog Mattis. Now put Bolton in the dumpster.
Ivanka and Jarred should be punted three States away also
Pigs can fly! Look up in the sky, an orange pig is flying!
If true, excellent news. Who knew that it would take a bigoted President to stop slaughtering people in Syria. Let’s hope Afghanistan is next on the list.
Having said that, one can’t be naive. Presidents, and not just Trump, regularly lie and deceive. As for Mattis and his ilk, their primary concern is with keeping the weapons, oil and military industries bloated. America has no vital security interests in Syria.
What’s fascinating is watching the hypocrisy of establishment Democrats oppose the move. It reveals that they are war mongers themselves in spite of the flowery rhetoric.
Ned, The Prez. is not a bigot, far from it, and you hurt your credibility by making that claim!
big-ot – a person who is extremely intolerant of another’s creed, belief or opinion.
Seriously, “far from it”?
Wars, “Far from it”,,you just see bigots and racism in your dreams, and everywhere when you are awake.
I think it is a crutch for you, you want to be a victim, or blame all on victimization and not take responsibility for your own actions. Often the truth can hurt, but it can also lead to betterment, or just whining and sobbing…
Jay, what the f**k are you talking about? I just put the definition down so you would see how ridiculous it was for you to say that Trump was far from being a bigot. How that lead you to say any of that jibberish is beyond me.
Wars,,So, you don’t understand?? Well, Well, Well. 🙂
Enlighten me.
Major Danny S for secdef!!!
Give more info on him. Too many in military brass have been compromised.
CNN’s sage prediction of the options for the next defense secretary: “he or she won’t apply the calming handcuffs of rational thought to policy that Mattis brought” (by insisting pointless wars continue while they persist in degrading our national security)
James Mattis views himself as the reincarnation of Patton,(my Father served under him in WW-2), a war loving, war living for, blood and gutz officer,,, thus he cannot abide by putting the interest of the Mothers and Fathers and Wife’s and Husbands of U.S. soldiers above that of the MIC and Deep State. Bye Bye General Mattis, go to your high paying job with the MIC. 🙂 I am now beginning to see strong hints that Prez. Trump may actually become the Prez. we hoped he would be, I hope like all get out I am right!! Out of Syria, out of AfG. and cut back on 50% of our foreign military bases! Do it quick because all you have is two years left! USA First,,remember?
D.C. GHOULS go to hell!
He just quit to cash in before his name got tarnished inside the MIC/police state by dismantling wars. Having a war end under your watch nullifies your golden parachute deal with the MIC instantly.