The US State Department issued a statement Friday criticizing the “flaws” in the process of Pakistan’s election earlier this week. The statement warned Pakistan’s election was at odds with its commitment to a “fully fair and transparent” vote.

The US largely had not discussed the Pakistani election before, and the fact that they are suddenly objecting to it comes almost immediately after the results showed a longtime critic of US policy, Imran Khan, had won the vote.
One of the most successful cricket players in Pakistan’s history, Khan’s rise to political prominence in recent years saw him established as a populist figure leading an opposition party. This has meant he’s had little to no direct contact with the US.
Khan has been a major critic of US policy in Afghanistan, and in particular the use of US drones against Pakistan’s tribal areas. He has said that, if he was in power, he would insist the US stop using drones in Pakistani airspace, and if they refused, would order the Pakistani Air Force to shoot the drones down.
Funny that it’s only when DC doesn’t like the result that the vote is fraudulent.
But The U.S. government can’t even get rid of the president they don’t like in the United States . how are they going to be able to take out a foreign president . Pull out the log from your own eye before you try pull a speck from your neighbors eye
Again, the US interference is needed because nobody is allowed to win if they criticise the USA. They are not allowed to shoot down murderous drones? Why not? As for the point of free and fair elections, is this the wonderful democratic USA with a system which never allows a winner who will actually do anything to help the majority of the population? Which allegedly can be ruined by the “hacking” of a few Russkies who can defeat 16 “intelligence agencies” full of honest, truthful, fair men such as Clapper,Comey, Mueller, Brennan, now paid for their comments on “free media” to the masses?
Who wants to bet there is now a covert regime change plan being activated and heavily funded in a think(inside the box)tank right now ?
Any country that even suggests that the US does not have the authority to exercise extra legal assassinations inside their borders is definitely moments away from invasion or a coup attempt.
Whoever thought weaponizing food, medicine, energy, and anything thing else required to relieve suffering would be a good long term policy should be looking really stupid about now………. Oh wait, ignorance is now strength just as sure as war is now peace.
Isn’t our “concern” about elections in a foreign nation considered meddling?
“The US State Department issued a statement Friday criticizing the
“flaws” in the process of Pakistan’s election earlier this week.”
This approaches the absurd level of hypocrisy.
So the outsider managed to jimmy the process? Seems unlikely and if true is a deeply flawed election. Tampering is supposed to be reserved for insiders.
This dude wants us to stop killing his people? The nerve! The gall who does he think he is elected to protect?
It is important to note that Khan has the support of the Pakistani Army. This is not just some radical opposition politician flashing in the pan, it is the Pakistani Army rebelling against the US-led war.
Stop meddling in Pakistans elections! Washington is attacking Pakistans democracy!
I don’t recall when Pakistan went Nuclear and can’t remember much objection to this . like we tried to stop Iraq and Iran from going nuclear , Just why is this . I don’t fault their new president for threatening American drones flying over Pakistan How would we like Russian drones flying over the United States and blowing up wedding parties or democratic conventions because they might be terrorists .