On Friday, special counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian GRU officers. The 12 are accused of conspiring to hack Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC computers to leak information ahead of the 2016 election.

This was the second substantial set of indictments coming out of the investigation. In February, the Justice Department indicted 13 other “conspirators” claiming that they had stolen the identities of US citizens to manipulate the campaigns. Russia has denied all the charges.
While indictments aren’t surprising, as a chance to try to show that the investigation in progressing, the timing is extremely unfortunate, to the point that it must raise suspicions. The indictment, after all, comes just days before President Trump is to hold a summit with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.
Trump was already facing bipartisan opposition to having a summit with Putin at all, based on the allegations of election meddling. The indictments are adding fuel to the fire, sparking more calls from opponents of diplomacy to pull out of the summit at the last minute.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) demanded substantial changes to the summit saying that complaining to Putin about the indictments needs to be the focus of the entire summit, and that Putin and Trump should never be allowed to be alone in a room during the meeting.
Warner was one of the few to not call for the talks to be cancelled outright, with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) saying the meeting needed to be cancelled “now,” and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) saying that even shaking Putin’s hand would be “a moment of historic cowardice.”
Of course, these lawmakers were all attacking the summit long before these indictments dropped, and this simply is the new excuse for opposing the plan. With the growing sense that the Mueller investigation is designed to just keep going, there is also concern it’s going to keep being used as a source of excuses to not talk to Russia.
More foreigners indicted that will conveniently never have to face trial aka more bunghole smoke from the desperate russophobes.
And not a shred of evidence will ever be presented to support their claims either. People will of course say the indictment itself is proof, but of course it’s not. There is no defense put forward at the grand jury hearing and if enough people claim they really really swear they believe it must have been the Russians, then they get the indictment. Still I’d like to know what evidence they claim to have and if they have it they should put it out. But will they? I’d say the odds are about zero that they will ever put out the evidence so it can be scrutinized. If they did that it could be debunked, much easier to simply claim they can’t show the proof for “national security” reasons.
Ah, but one of the first batch of inducted Russians demanded a trial and Mueller ran for the hills… the judge however insisted on a speedy trial… facts buried in MSM
These same scum have no problem with Trump frolicking with the Saudis or being in Bibi’s back pocket. Any of them concerned with Trump and Bibi being in the same room alone? But a chance for some much need diplomacy with Russia? Can’t have that.
Also, no mention of Cambridge Analytica. That’s where the real foreign collusion happened. Oops, too close to Mossad and Israel for Dems and Repubs to get their venal little heads around, I guess.
The last thing the Deep State wants is for Trump to be alone with Putin. Putin might educate Trump in what America’s foreign policy apparatchiks have been doing. For starters, Putin should educate Trump about America’s interference in the elections of not only Russia and Ukraine, but other nations around the world.
Russia should indict Hillary Clinton and “Ef the EU, Yats is our man” for the funding and incitement of the Ukrainian overthrow of the last legally elected government of all of Ukraine.
Speaking of “Ef the EU,” Victoria Nuland, the one who made that remark, was interviewed on Face the Nation this morning. She’s a real piece of work.
Mueller is a hack – no pun intended of course, just as there is no coincidence that this democratic stalwart issued these indictments just days before the Helsinki meetings
I can’t wait to see the evidence
Sadly, I suspect Trump does not know that the so called DNC hack was an inside job, nor that we destabilized Ukraine by supporting the anti Russia coup there. Has the one DC creature seemingly immune from Russian fever, Dana Rohrbacher, been allowed to meet with Trump?
He seems to have hired only people who go along with the Russia=bad narrative.
I think he knows what is going on. He is trying to figure out how to stop it.
Sessions is the big obstacle… Rosenstein may be impeached next week by the Republiucans
No. Drump asked Wm Binney to brief Pompeo when he was at the CIA… they’re all aware that the DNC servers were leaked, not hacked.
No evidence for that. Why did Trump hire the worst people if he knows the truth?
Except that they were briefed and showed the computer log statistics…
how do you know this?
So lazy… try using Google dumb ass:
“CIA Director Mike Pompeo met late last month with a former U.S.
intelligence official who has become an advocate for a disputed theory
that the theft of the Democratic National Committee’s emails during the
2016 presidential campaign was an inside job, rather than a hack by
Russian intelligence.”
First, I am not dumb. Second, you and I are on the same side. I wasn’t insisting you were lying or making it up. I was genuinely asking how you knew this. Try not to be so insulted cause someone asks for evidence.
In this fairytale narrated by the Mueller team, the American people would like to thank the Ru.ssian for exposing the DNC scandal and corruption and allowing us to walk away from the coronation of Hillary.
The DNC, of course, REALLY DID sabotage the integrity of the 2016 Elections… small detail , of course
It could be President Bernie right now.
Not for certain… but who can tell… certainly the Clinton Crime machine didn’t want to risk it.
Only in Kalifornia, after they secede.
Why doesn’t the Witch Hunter do his own dirty work announcements, instead of sending pea brain out there?
Some of the last Russian indictees, wanted to go to court to see the evidence, and the DOJ put those cases “on hold” – conveniently.
Speaking of foreign interference in our elections, they turn a blind eye to the gorilla in the jungle – Israel and AIPAC.
Are you implying that the Israelis don’t have freedom of speech during our elections?! Until they are declared Official Enemies(TM) like the Russians have been, they can bribe, blackmail, extort, hack, influence, cajole, sweet talk, blacklist, red line, and ad hominem to their hearts’ content. And even after being declared Official Enemies(TM), all they would have to do is pay retail for their Facebook advertising. Only an antisemite would object to that.
The old AIPAC dirty trick of immediately going to the “anti-Semite” idiocy. Would that mean everyone who was against Obama was anti-American and likewise anyone against Trump is also anti-American? What a dope.
It just happens that the legally elected President of the US has stated that Russia is a competitor not an enemy. No one has blackmailed, bribed, extorted, hacked, influenced, cajoled, sweet talked, blacklisted, redlined, sanctioned, embargoed and bombed like the good ol’ USA you hypocrite.
I think he was being sarcastic.
Israeli elections are a sham. The elections are rigged by the organized crime families and the international Zionist billionaires that control Netanyahu and the Likud. The idea that Israel is a democracy would be a farce if it were not such a tragedy. An observable tragedy for the Palestinians and a coming tragedy for the Jewish people. Israel will not survive the war plans of the Zionist leaders, unless Netanyahu is stopped. Freedom of speech means nothing in a parliamentary dictatorship. Those Israelis who prefer a different vision for Israel need to rise up and fight the Likud and its partners, not the Palestinians or Israel’s neighbors. The best hope for the continuation of Israel would be a civil war against the Zionist warmongers.
One of the most overlooked back stabbing actions by israels AIPAC is their perfidious push to criminalize the israeli BDS movement. By pressure, money and votes, 16 US states have passed laws criminalizing free speech actions against israel and banned any BDS movement against israel. Russia is the least of our problems.
Trump should give Assange a full pardon and have him testify in Congress with proof of who gave him the unprotected DNC e-mails.
The Dimocrat and RINO establishment want Russia to be a perpetual enemy,
so they can get richer!
Maybe Mueller can start issuing parking citations as well to bump up his numbers.
Allen Dulles and the CIA did the same thing to sabotage Eisenhower’s 1960 “Crusade for Peace” in Paris using the U2 incident (the U2 was sabotaged to crash land in the USSR on the eve of the Paris conclave)
Yes, and unfortunately that traitor, Gary Powers, refused to take his cyanide capsule. As a result, the Commies gained a prop coup when they allowed him to go home. /sarc
The real question not being asked is how did the dastardly godless Russians so easily hack the emails of citizens of the greatest most powerful, God fearing country on earth?
The second point is what all these people did is bring to light information the American people have a right to know about there scum bag, dastardly, godless politicians. Thank God for Russian hackers.
But when it comes to foreigners interfering in other country politics, none hold a candle to America! Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq Ukraine, Viet Nam, Cuba, Libya, Lebanon, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Panama….
The US is terrified of Russia for NO reason, just as Netahyahu pretends to be so frightened of Gazans that he has to injure 220 in one day as he speaks of “terror” from the imprisoned enclave.
Constant accusations, no acceptance of your own guilt in attacking other countries, pretence that your elections are fair(!) and it must be Russians that allowed such an embarrassment to become POTUS do not show the USA as a reasonable partner for any sort of gat-together.
They would lose in court but it is unlikely that this will ever get to court.
Imagine, baseless investigations from the opposition, those horrible,horrible dems…..
Why can’t Trump fire Sessions, and hire an AG who won’t recuse himself and is on Trump’s side for a change. Then if the new AG fires Mueller, Trump can deflect attention from himself.
Mueller should indict Putin and demand that Russia extradite him. And if Russia won’t pay proper respect to the U.S. judicial system, which is the fairest in the world, then our valiant Ukrainian allies should march from Kiev to Moscow and arrest Putin for us. And to provide proper support for Ukraine, the U.S. should open a second front — Sarah Palin and the Mamma Grizzlies occupying Siberia with Todd commanding the Snow Shoe Brigade.
More important than this indictment of the 12 Russian officers, Mueller has quietly dropped the indictment against the 13 Russian kids and the restaurant owner after they sent defense lawyers to the U.S. and massive errors were found in the indictment. The media is not reporting this. Instead most of the media are focused on this new indictment which is ridiculous on its face if it were not malicious. Rosenstein released it on the eve of the Summit to sabotage any new approach to detente. By the Mueller/Rosenstein standard, the CIA — which meddles in the elections of many countries around the world, and has done so on a regular basis since that Agency was created in 1947 — should be indicted and prosecuted by those countries. Fact is spies spy. Russia spies on us. We spy on them. No big thing here. This new indictment will go no where. It is just a tactic by the globalists to sabotage detente. Nothing more.
Link? The last reports were that Mueller asked for delays which the judge did not accept. But the case is still on.. unless you have some reports to the contrary
It is disgusting that so many DC “leaders” prefer perpetual war to even a minute of peace. Defense contractors and Israel want chaos, and that’s all it takes. The US is the all-time leader in election meddling, and really can’t deny it anymore. Satan’s Little Helper himself, ex-CIA director Brennan, admitted a few weeks ago that the US meddles. But it’s for their own good when we do it, he says!
After the shame of the MSM during and after the 2016 election, how the hell can anyone believe them about Russia or anything else?
Mueller indicted Russians because he knows they will never go to trial, and he will never have to present any evidence. He can’t indict Americans because he would publicly make an ass of himself with zero evidence. This is why the indictments were announced on the “Friday night news dump”.