The Israeli government today issued a statement announcing a new crackdown on the Gaza Strip. They said the new “sanctions” against the strip are aimed at punishing Hamas for the use of flaming kites in cross-border attacks.

The crackdown includes the closing of Gaza’s lone commercial crossing, at Kerem Shalom, for an indefinite period of time. Israel will also severely limit the ability of Palestinians to fish off the coast of the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli military issued its own separate statement, saying that Kerem Shalom would remain open to a limited amount of humanitarian aid during the closure. They offered little indication on what conditions there were for easing the new sanctions.
The flaming kites have set fires to forest and farmland, and have done some damage, though inflicted few casualties. The timing of the new crackdown is curious, however, coming amid talk of an internationally brokered ceasefire. New restrictions are likely to raise doubts among the Palestinians that Israel is in a mood to make a deal.
Israel is never in a mood to make a deal. Israel will never honor any deal it pretends to make. Israel will continue to make Gaza suffer, going back again and again on any slight advances such as the fishing.
Israel has honored peace treaties with Jordan & Egypt.
Dude, you were mentioned by name in the comment section at The Intercept. You’re a famous hasbara troll. Be proud.
I think that dude is an avatar of Bibi.
That’s because Egypt and Jordan are controlled by “Israel” and the USA. They are Israeli allies.
Hitler honored all his agreements
Until he didn’t
He honored his agreements with the Mufti and vis versa
and Avraham Stern
The muifit was an active participant in the holocaust not just someone who talked to Hitler he wasn’t just a Nazi .
Israel is worse than Nazi Germany ever dared to be.
Where are the gas chambers & crematoria?
Those are too old-fashion for Israel, which is a lot smarter.
Gas chambers and cremaroria are much less efficient than besieging. When people are denied food, santiation, electricity, medical care, and water they die. The beseiging party only has to shoot anyone who tries to escape. That is what the Zionist entity is doing. The Israelis can drag out the torture for fun as they watch their victims writhe in agony. Sadists love pain when it is someone else’s pain and they are causing it.
“World’s largest concentration camp ever.” is Gaza. Congrats, Israel! You’ve out done Nazi Germany!
Gaza’s New Millionaires
Yeah, Israel’s “concentration camp” makes Hamas wealthier but then Israel created Hamas as a rival to Fatah.
Created?. Show create.
Do your own homework! Look it up on the — Internet!
I checked it out.
It does not say Isreal created Hamas
Don’t be lazy. Do your homework beyond Wikipedia.
Hamas is a Palestinian militant movement that also serves as one of the territories’ two major political parties. A nationalist-Islamist spinoff of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas was founded in 1987, during the first intifada, and later emerged at the forefront of armed resistance to Israel. The United States and the European Union consider Hamas a terrorist organization. Its rival party, Fatah, which dominates the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), has renounced violence.
You left out the part about Israel supplying arms to Hamas.
They didn’t create Hamas (you said they did), Arafat was a corrupt slime sucker
Giving up, eh? Even the talking heads on the MSM couldn’t deny Israel had created and nurtured Hamas.
Ehere does it say Israel created Hamas?
Go look it up yourself. Don’t rely on Wikipedia for all your knowledge.
You can’t show it, can you?
Did you even try to look it up for yourself?
Yep could not find that Israel created Hamas
Then you need a new computer. Its all over the internet.
All over the internet. I dont really trust sites which are purely devoted the political advocacy.
Sources are important.
Just put up or shut up
Show whete Isreal CREATED Hamas.
Avner Cohen and General Segev admitted it.
Show it
They don’t say Israel created Hamas
They use
“to a certain degree.”
“actively enabled its rise”
But you are trying to imply Israel was the main creator or the founder which is simply not true.
“It also obscures Hamas’s curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.”
If you can show that Israel created Hamas please do otherwise I will just take what you are saying as active disinformation
Then you finally found one! Its well known Israel was fishing for a rival to Fatah by funding Politico/Religious groups, in Hamas case, even to the point of arming them.
You’re the one saying “founded”. I never did. That’s disinformation.
Israel officials like Cohen and Segev admit that without Israel’s help, Hamas would not have come into existence. and when warned by their own people, Israeli leadership chose to keep Yassin and Hamas around.
You said they created Hamas
They didnt.
Hamas did come into existance w/o Isreals help because Isreal did not create it.
Show that Israel created Hamas.
“Hamas did come into existance w/o Isreals help because Isreal did not create it.”
Oh, that’s not what Avner Cohen said.
“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,”
Don’t be a Denier.
Speakung figuratively
Showthat Isreal created Hamas.
I mean actually created Hamas.
No. Cohen didn’t say figuratively.
Just show that Israel created Hamas. Or what do you mean exactly by Israel created Hamas
By the way did you see this video on Gaza?
still waiting
Those settlers go and plant pine trees and lawnscapes in the desert and then pump sewage into the Palestinian aquifer. Of course there’s going to be dry conditions. Being hateful and spiteful about a border crossing is par for the course.
Israel has been amazingly good to the Palestinians. Even though Palestinians have oppressed Jews for centuries & fired thousands of rockets & mortars at innocent Israeli civilians, Israel continues to deliver over 800 truckloads of food & supplies every day.
“Palestinians have oppressed Jews for centuries.” Who dreams up this nonsense?
Palestinians never seem to learn. You don’t get treated better by launching fire-causing kites across Israel. 7,000 acres burned, 33 fires recently and in residential areas also.
I guess you’d have to put yourself in their position to understand why they do what they do. I’d be flying kites too.
and getting nothing but more pain.
“Fire-causing kites” are the latest Israeli fantasy. Who dreams up this nonsense?
IDF Chief Says Israel Is Becoming Like Nazi Germany, Refuses to Back Down
The outgoing IDF chief has doubled down on his highly controversial comments he made comparing modern-day Israel with that of 1930’s Nazi Germany.
The Zionist Entity serves Satan. Israelis are his servants. They are the Children of Lucifer not the Children of God. To Hell with them! Make no mistake. They are tormenting Palestinians now. They will be tormenting the rest of us later.