Commanders along the border between Syrian territory and the Israeli occupied Golan Heights say that the Syrian army has been deploying substantial reinforcements to the area to bolster air defenses.

Israel has been repeatedly attacking Syria in recent months with airstrikes from both Israeli airspace and Lebanon. Syria is said to want to get its reinforcements into the region for a deterrent factor.
This appears to be timed for an upcoming Syrian offensive against rebels in the southwest. Nominally, Israel made a deal with Russia promising not to interfere so long as Iranian forces didn’t take part. Clearly, Syria isn’t entirely sure that’s going to remain the case.
That’s unsurprising, as Israel’s definition of “Iranian forces” is wildly different from either Russia or Syria’s. Israel has claimed massive numbers of “Iranians” in Syria by claiming all Shi’ite militias are effectively Iranians, even though the vast majority are not from Iran.
Israel and its “border”-where? it can get away with anything, it seems.
I predict:
The Israeli “deal” with Russia w/o question will prove to be utterly deceitful. The Zio-criminals want to create hesitation on Russia’s part; hesitation to respond when the IAF violates the”deal” and provides air support for the rebel (ie al Qaeda terrorists) taking refuge near the Israeli non-border.
Plus, watch: on the instant that the Syrian Army attacks the “rebels”, those “rebels” will fire mortars across the non-border in the direction — but without hitting anywhere near anyone — of the Israelis. (This is already their established practice.) The Israelis will then scream that the Syrian Army is attacking Israel, and the IAF — phony “deal” notwithstanding — will start (intensive?) bombing of the Syrian army.
Since this course of events is entirely predictable, all parties involved will be expecting it, which poses the question: “What preparations have been made to deal with this tactic?”