Massive death tolls from months of Israeli crackdowns in the Gaza Strip have been sparsely covered by the media, particularly in the US. But even where US media outlets have found fault with the killings, US Ambassador David Friedman is expressing anger, saying it’s “not reporting” to cover the killings critically.

Friedman says media coverage that wasn’t supportive of the deaths was “completely superficial,” and that Israeli military officials had assured him that they had to kill all of those Gazans to defend the nation of Israel.
A US Ambassador to Israel criticizing US media outlets is probably not going to amount to much, but Friedman also slammed Israeli newspaper Haaretz for its own coverage of the deaths, saying Haaretz never explored if there were “other alternatives” besides killing the Gazans.
That might be a bigger deal, as Haaretz is a major Israeli newspaper, and having a foreign ambassador to Israel publicly condemning an Israeli paper for criticizing an incident that happened inside Israel is likely a diplomatic faux pas, and further presents the US role within Israel as politically aligned with one faction’s narrative.
And to think this scumbag gets paid thousands by the American people to represent whose interests exactly?
You can be sure he is living high off the hog on our dime. I can not understand why trump has picked so many who will only cause trouble in the long run. Today they stated they are short of money to pay Social security but we have 5,000,000,0000,000 a year for a rich nation who asked if they could find new ways to spend the money since they just cannot store anymore USA weapons. In short they are asking to accept our free military equipment so hey can sell to others
five trillion dollars? you can’t count bro!
Damn Jake thank you for being nice. My spelling is a fright also God Bless and I do hope you the best.
Friedman works hard for the country he loves …and it ain’t the US. We used to hang traitors we appoint them to office.
And ???
Calling for deaths of US soldiers then calling others traitors or disloyal.
Anyone who calls for continued US intervention in the Middle East is “calling for deaths of US soldiers.” The latter follows the former as surely as night follows day.
Differnce between sending US soldiers and hoping for their deaths.
Intervention has been ineffective.
However . Not the same as hoping for their deaths
And intervention is a broad term
What do you mean by intervention? And where? Was it wrong to hit Al Qaida after 9 11. Even Ron Paul voted for it.
“Differnce between sending US soldiers and hoping for their deaths.”
Yes, there is. Sending US soldiers is ACTIVELY AND ACTUALLY SEEKING their deaths, while merely hoping for their deaths is merely hoping.
“Was it wrong to hit Al Qaida after 9 11”
It was wrong to ignore a decade of escalating attacks and the clear message that came with those attacks — “US out of the Middle East” — then whine “why do they hate us, why would they do this to us?” as if we didn’t know once the attacks stopped being small attacks in Saudi Arabia and Yemen and Tanzania and Kenya and so forth, and became a big attack on US soil.
Obviously there had to be a response. That response should have consisted of about six weeks of liquidating al Qaeda and about six months of getting every last US troop out of the region.
Again why do they hate US is because of a lot of reasons. Many of which the US has nothing to do with: support for China’s persecution of muslims or things the US has a right to do : have relatiions with Saudi and Isreal to our UN vote.
As for boots on the ground i dont like it . Drones are much better.
It is a simple and irrefutable fact of historical record that al Qaeda’s main casus belli, and the cause which boosted their fundraising and recruitment, was getting US troops out of Muslim areas. The US had relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia and China for decades with no major attacks on US soil over it and in fact no significant attacks targeting the US specifically except on US troops that were actually IN the region (e.g. Hezbollah in Beirut).
The US didn’t take the hint with the Khobar Towers attack.
The US didn’t take the hint with the Tanzania/Kenya embassy attacks.
The US didn’t take the hint with the USS Cole.
When someone isn’t taking the hint, you think maybe they’re not getting the message loudly enough, and you escalate.
If the US had brought its troops home after Desert Storm instead of maintaining a significant presence in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, etc., al Qaeda would likely be an exceedingly minor historical footnote.
Does that JUSTIFY 9/11? No, but it EXPLAINS 9/11. The US could have avoided 9/11 by doing what was the right thing to do anyway.
You’re using Disqus, not Screenshot Paradise. If you’re too lazy to make an argument yourself, couldn’t you at least cut and paste text instead of photos of your phone screen?
I am working with a smart phone .
Not a desk top.
Plus not all posters here are as nice as you.
Quite a few are truly classless
They always say link or prove it.
I dont do it to be inconsiderate to you.
I apologize if I gave such as impression.
This assumes that AQ are acting on their own initiative. I don’t think they could have pulled it off without the CIA, Mossad, and the Saudi government.
So, are you saying that you believe that supporting terrorist states (Israel, Saudi Arabia) is something our stolen (tax) dollars should be used for?
What is support?
If think the US cant afford to give Israel 3 B a year. As for the rest it is not much of a problem
South Korea gets as much money as Isreal see Weaning South Korea Doug Brandow
The US cant afford 3B to Israel
The rest isnt much of a problem
What, you mean hit the same people we’d been funding for decades against the Soviets? Now that we’ve become the Soviets, is it surprising they’re fighting back?
There are fighting for the Caliphate
That is not fighting back
Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel
He doesnt speak cor the US
Poor baby …
I was glad hear Stormfront went out if business.
Me too. Are you illiterate or having a hard time translating to English ?
Get a life, traitor ..or better yet, move to Israel.
You dont have any standing to call anyone a traitor. You are nothing but a Charles Mansin wannaber
Pathetic Israeli troll … You need to work on your English.
You have no standing to call anyone a traitor.
You lost it by wishing for the deaths of U S soldiers.
And yet anyone who advocates any US military activity likewise wishes for the death of US soldiers.
I’m not even necessarily talking about war.
Peacetime duty on the deck of an aircraft carrier is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. If you call for the use of aircraft carriers, even in peacetime, you are calling for a certain number of sailors swept overboard by wind or jetwash or runaway carryalls, burned to death in jet exhaust, cut in half by snapped catapult cables, etc.
Marines die in helicopter crashes in training all the time. Soldiers get accidentally run over by trucks or tanks, or have heart attacks six miles from the nearest road (that happened to one of my squad members — we carried him to the road by hand and he lived) or suffer heat stroke (two men in my battalion died at 29 Palms from that during a regimental CAX).
What you object to is not wishing for the deaths of US soldiers. What you object to is wishing that the deaths of US soldiers will convey a lesson to those who use them badly.
They said something to the effect of may they come home in body bags
Military drills have always gome on. Not just with George Bush or his dad.
I would very much like to see the military become safer.
Unless the US dibabds the military i dont know much of what could be done.
I fo remember reading that a soldier is more likely to die in accidents than in combat
So long as armies exist, soldiers will die. So if you advocate the existence of armies, you are advocating the deaths of soldiers.
Then what would you do ?
I’m not sure why it’s relevant what I would do. I was just pointing out that you were slamming someone for wishing for the deaths of US soldiers while in fact you also wish for the deaths of US soldiers (assuming, that is, that you wish for the US armed forces to exist).
But, if you really must know, I’m an anarchist — I support the abolition of the US armed forces, and of the US itself, and of every other state. Which, given what would have to happen for those things to transpire, means that I am likely wishing for the deaths of US troops as well. It’s just that I’m not chewing anyone else out for doing the same thing I’m doing in that respect.
The US is run by a gang of criminals. You know what is worse do be run by the gang of criminals that rule our enemies
You are likely going to get a better deal from George Bush than you would from someone like Quaddafi
And at any rate the postrrs calling people who dont agree with traitors wishing for the deaths of US forces and then they claim to be the reptesentatives of the American people
From that I deduct thst these ppsters wpuld be a far worse gang of criminals would they rule than the current gang in power in the US
Better to be ruled by Richard Nixon than Charles Manson or David Duke
Who is Charles Mansin? Oh, as I look over some of your other posts, I understand your incompetence with our language. Maybe you should stick to Hebrew.
What’s your point? Mercenaries (volunteer, get paid) invading someones home and killing people NOT in self-defense are criminal acts and certainly warrant the death penalty. No one – with any critical thinking ability – believes that any of these murderers are “defending our freedom”. Quite the opposite; they’re aiding and abetting the destruction of liberty in this country. So Vic has definitely made good points here.
As for “traitor and disloyal” – Friedman and other slime bags may be “loyal” to the state, but the state isn’t the same thing as the country (i.e. the individuals living within the geographic boundaries). To me, as an American citizen, they are certainly traitors.
Another one who calls for the the voice death of US soldiers
You have no standing or authority to call your self the voice of liberty.
Rule by your kind would be far worse than the “gang of criminals” who run the US
You and your kind will never gain power and that is a good thing
Ambassadors do not get appointed. they provide huge bribes to get very desirable social job like ambassador. It is called bribery.
We know this “ambassador” is a settler nut case. We know he has betrayed the US at every opportunity. We also know that much of our media is just fine with that, Democrats as much as Republicans of FOX.
In other words, if you don’t have something nice to say about all the (pointless) killing going on, just shut up (even more than they already have).
I guess the fact that the brave IDF suffered ZERO f**king casualties was enough for most to deduce that the threat was exaggerated and excessive force was obviously used. But when you’re killing “cockroaches” it doesn’t matter.
Another one who should be prosecuted: they’re doing it to Manafort now. So: charge this scumbag under the “foreign agents” law – he’s obviously in Israel’s pocket – a wholly-owned whore who is betraying his (alleged) country.
MAGA, no dual citizenship!!!
MAGA – abolish (90% of) the federal government
Any one notice he looks like Dr strangelove. Why does he repeat the IDF assures him all the deaths were justified. Today that same IDF stated they did not target the nurse. Prior they reported they could account for every bullet. The problem for the ambassador is people can see the slaughter so in the past they could get the media to run things like the drive who ran over rachael corrie did not see her. Today they would have film of that murder.
IDF Chief Says Israel Is Becoming Like Nazi Germany, Refuses to Back Down
The outgoing IDF chief has doubled down on his highly controversial comments he made comparing modern-day Israel with that of 1930’s Nazi Germany.
Like anyone paying attention didn’t already know that?