Iran’s government was deeply split on whether the US could be trusted in the P5+1 nuclear deal. Now that the US is reneging on the pact, the Iranians are equally deeply split about what to do about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s list of demands.
Some Reformists within the government believe that the demands are tantamount to an invitation to engage in diplomacy. They note that unreasonable demands were how the US started engaging North Korea, and speculate that’s just the administration’s way of doing things.
Hardliner conservatives, however, see the US as increasingly unreasonable and unhinged since pulling out of the nuclear deal. They see no point in engaging with the US at this point, or even responding at all to Pompeo’s demands.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s position seems to be leaning toward the ultra-conservatives, seeing the US threat to the nuclear deal as a big embarrassment, and continuing to engage with the US diplomatically, even if it is an option, a risky proposition.
Analysts weren’t optimistic about Pompeo’s demands either. Many have said they believe Pompeo’s “Plan B” is specifically designed to fail. Once the demands fail, it is expected the US will further escalate the situation, potentially starting a war.
Sad to say I can see the Iranian ultra-conservatives and other analysts point of view. Why waste their breath talking to the US when it obviously looks like it is meant to fail. Because the US is obviously after regime change to expand their heavily Zionist influenced hegemony.
And the Zionist mentality — including Zionist manner of reasoning. Iran is well versed in its style. Since the Agreement did not lead to an unconditional surrenddr, nor in creeping internal NGO infestation leading up to another Western approved democracy ushered in by street gangs — no need for agreement.
But like all arrogance, it is blind to all excelt its own greatness. One would think that after debacles like Iraq snd Libya — some heads would roll. Or some think tank and media personality bannished. No such luck. Their “vision” is still guiding us. Not having any sense for proportion, and like a child with no sense for dangers, the war crowd is cheerffly pushing on. As if the rest of the world is just waiting to be destroyed. We got a fair warning March 1. Not that anybody is listening. Putin’s calling should have been a teacher. He patiently explained the material, and emphasized the need for LISTENING.
Hardliners nailed it. They should proceed as if the U.S. is irreconcilable.
Having said that, they should act reasonably and take advantage of the situation to show that they are the adults in the room. Create a legacy on the Arab street. First try to work with the EU. When (not if) that fails, declare that weapons ban null and void since that was tied to the JCPOA and was non-nuclear related. Go all in with Russia and China for the Axis of Resistance and wait us out.
They are actully using exactly your play book. EU needs to show more then impressive rhetoric. Iran suggested EU should buy Iranian oil. Basically, some skin in the game.
Do not expect EU to do anything, except issue edicts — urging Iran to respect the agreement! While they, of course, bail out. Iran agreed to unreasonably hard conditions in the agreement — but as the agreement had an expiration date, Iran concluded that building goodwill and trust was worth the restrictions. The objective was to develop commercial relations, and mutually beneficial projects, increasing confidence over time. It was, however, clear from day one that US signed agreement in bad faith. The objective was to let Europeans engage Iran economically, while US was to lean on the government of Iran extracting political concessions. From day one, the predictable crowd whined about the deal. It was meant to soften Iran and allow the operatives from NED, Soros, AID, enter the country. Europe asked for clarifications many times, trying to get assurances that their jnvestments were safe from sanctions.
As it turned out, Trump wanted renegotiation during campaign — but in office got a full brunt of neocon hard power, and his famous negotiating skills were no linger needed. Israel First crowd was displeased by Iran’s unwillingness to capitulate, and the deal no linger serves their purpose.
Contrary to Western interpretations of Iran’s role in Eurasian integrations, Iran is politically integrated within Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China and Russia led group of Asian continental and subcontinental powers. The group consists of all four Asian nuclear states. Iran is well protected. Iran is one of the guarantors of Syrian peace process, along with Turkey and Russia. There is no backing off from the process. So what are neocons trying to achieve? In the first place, humiliation of Europe. They know that at the moment neocon-approved crestures have taken power in both France and Germany. How little attention has been paid to German elections that resulted in the most bizzare event: the head of SDP, Schulz, with the worst SDP results ever, cornered Angela Merkel, who could not accept Liberal Democrats or Greens (both pro-American), nor Alternative for Grrmany, villified in globalist press as xenophobic. Forced to take Schultz — he brazenly demanded three ministerial positions of neocon choice, as a condition of resigning! Merkel’s party made a deal with the devil, and is nis finished. The three ministers? Foreign Affairs, Finance snd Labor. Germany is on its way to be gobbled up by globalist cabal. They have Angela Merkel to blame. She was famous for putting up a bold front, then caving in. She did not even try to consult the feelings of population before letting into Germany over a million refugees and economic migrants. She paved the way for globalists by making herself quite knowingly a huge disappointment — but knowing the party system engineerjng too well, opened the door to globalist plunder of Germany. It must be said that once NGO always NGO. Her activist youth gave her connection to globalist networks, and throughout her long rule, little by little she dismantled German safeguards in banking. She also appointed Defence Minister to match. Now, acting quite innocent 😇 she has a foreign minister that no German can figure out — his views are more alligned with Boris Johnson, not German sentiment. Her new chief of finance will dismantle what is left of safeguards in Savings Banks, and the labor chief will be dokn dronning on about “reforms”. By eliminating labor unions from corporate boards and the long standing agreements between business and labor on handling recessions — he will “free” the corporations to be more like American. There are no economic underlinnings to “reforms”. It is merely a globalist cabal vision of disempowered labor. Once population is reduced to the third world standards, corporation will have more power then states. All accountability for our common, shared interests is already a pipe dream in US, as America First resonated. But it is still global corporations first, global
banks first and Israel first. Nothing has changed.
US war on Iran:
1, With help from Israel
2, With help also from Nato lands
3, Bomb only some spots
4, Nuke some sites
5, Bomb Iran to stone age and then invade it
6, Bomb Iran with NW and then invade it
7, Attack Iran with enough sarin or novichok
How many chances is the USA to be given, when it has made it abundantly clear that it is not bound by any normal standards-legal, moral or even human decency.
The hardliners are right this time. F**k Pence and only talk to Europe. It’s America’s turn to get hung out to dry. Trump is the accidental isolationist.