The United States has used its veto power at the UN Security Council to block a Monday resolution calling for an independent probe into the killing of scores of Palestinian protesters this week along the Gaza Strip border. The protesters were killed by Israeli forces.

It is very common for the US to use its veto power to protect Israel from any UN Security Council repercussions for its mistreatment of the Palestinians. US Ambassador Nikki Haley praised Israel over the killings, saying they’d not only shown “restraint” in only killing 61, but had shown more restraint than any other country on the planet would’ve in the face of the demonstration.
Haley further claimed that the blame should really fall on the Iranian government, on the grounds that the protesters were encouraged by the Hamas movement, and Iran has backed the Hamas movement in the past.
Haley mostly sought to downplay the links between the massacre and the US opening its new embassy in Jerusalem. It is fair to suggest that the two events aren’t wholly connected, as the protest was organized for Nakba Day. It is impossible not to notice that the US made the decision to open the Israeli Embassy on Nakba Day, however, despite knowing it would be seen as yet another insult to the Palestinians.
In the picture in the above article, it almost looks like a smiling Nikki Haley is pledging allegiance to AIPAC.
She is pleasurably pledging allegiance to cruelty and destruction. This is what she has become.
She is.
Haley said Israel “had shown more restraint than any other country on the planet would’ve in the face of the demonstration.”
Are you hearing this, you Deplorables that support Trump and this move? If you protest, from now on, GovCo can kill dozens upon dozens of you and injure thousands and they will talk of their “restraint”.
Ayn Rand was right, “Brother, you asked for it.”
Blaming Trump?
Perhaps pointing out that Trump has betrayed them with his Israel first policies?
The Palestinians have been repeatedly betrayed by the American political class for many decades. This ain’t about Trump. This is about the people of Gaza being trapped in a prison and being starved and poisoned and helpless.
True, the Palestinians have been betrayed by the American political class for many decades and that list now INCLUDES Trump. So yes, it is about Trump also.
That is a long list!
No argument there but Trump is still included.
Today, it’s about trump.
Forget Trump. The entire American political class has been under the thumb of the Zionists for many decades.
What is really sad is the entire arab population will now unite. I suspect this is going to end badly for Israel
Ya think!?
As if any other decision was likely. The USA could not bear an independent investigation of anything Israel does.
It only means that it goes to international court. How many germans were hanged because just following orders. I think the IDF will get upset when they are not slapped on the wrist by his fellow soldiers but head off to international court facing life in jail.
No report–not even by Israel–that any Gazani invaded Israel? It seems that none was armed?
And why is Israel scared of the Gazan children? It has been reported that Israeli soldiers are shooting and also killing some children.
But the situation in Gaza now much worse than in the Warsaw Ghetto during its siege and military assault on it by Germany.
Maybe Germans now have a bit less remorse because of what they have done to the jude’n not only in Warsaw G. but also in Auschwitz.
A baby was killed by the drone dropping tear gas. Nikki cries a month ago about what kind of monster gases people.
She’s out of her mind. The U.S. just allowed ‘the caravan’ to get right next to our borders as well as tolerate illegal aliens to actually cross the border without shooting at them.
There are numerous examples of other countries in the M.E. allowing millions of refugees to cross their borders without killing them, including Iran. I can’t stand her.
Even in the company of the many sickening politicians in DC Haley stands out. Haley the unhinged.
Not much more than Samantha Power really. Crazy what people will lower themselves to for money.
Susan Rice, Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, Nikki Haley, Victoria Nuland, Gina Haspel…… You’ve come a long way baby!
The worse Israel acts the more over the top the praise from the US Pols becomes.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad (or something like that, as the saying goes).
America must have at least 50 million mature, intelligent adults. Out of this enormous pool, how did we manage to select this (as they say in Pittsburgh) “yutz”?
“…more restraint than any other country on the planet…” the green light for genocide in those very words, opening the door to more cruelty and destruction with the wink and nod of Nikki Haley and Co. More restraint than even the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising… at least the Jews in that uprising were shooting back with the weapons they could muster together and even killed a few Nazis…but isn’t it wonderful to see that restraint and mass murder can both share the same experience together at last… as if they had become reconciled to one another ?
One does not have to go back to WWII. At the same time the IDF was shooting woman and children the mexicans were climbing the fences on our border. I do not know of one Mexican who was shot
There have been a few. In fact, one Border Patrol thug is on trial right now for shooting a little girl through the border fence several years ago. And a US Marine on a JTF-6 “training” patrol in the border area (they can’t enforce stuff, but call law enforcement if they see something — I used to be a JTF-6 grunt on counter-narcotics) shot a Mexican teenager for no apparent reason a decade or two ago.
But no, the US hasn’t started treating Mexicans like the Israelis treat Palestinian Arabs. Yet.
I will celebrate the day this b**ch dies. And I won’t show any “restraint” while doing so.
The UN. A total joke.She’s just marching to her master’s orders.
Not that she has a conscience or sympathy for other beings besides herself.
Imagine being married to that. No.
The U.N. is not a joke, but the U.S. sure as hell is a joke.
I would not attribute most of the deaths to the IDF but rather believe Hamas terrorists are killing most of their own innocent protesters to create a grand massacre for the world to blame on Israel . Just like the NAZI snipers did in Ukraine .Where science proved the bullets shooting both sides came from the same guns .
If that was the case, the investigation would not have been blocked.
The Israeli government doesn’t even claim that. Instead they say they’re justified and they have plenty of bullets. Now go join the IDF, they could use more idiots.
Don’t insult idiots. Eric is in a class by himself.
And people actually wonder why our nation/government is hated globally.
Here’s the thing we need to understand about Nimrata Randhawa (aka Nikki Haley): she is a Sikh lady in Christian clothing. Yes, she claims to have converted to Christianity, but on a visit to India visited a Sikh temple and was very moved by her experience. I know of no convert who has a deep emotional experience visiting a place of his/her former religion. Few woulod want to have anything to do with it.
The woman is total fraud only interested in furthering her career. Beats me how a southern state elected her its governor. With her luck, she could be our next prez.
Nikki is eclipsing all UN ambassadors in history as the most duplicitous. She embodies everything that is wrong in American society.
I am amazed that just a couple weeks ago Nikki was just short of rolling on the ground complaining about Russia blocking her on the gas matter in Syria. She also cried what kind of monster does thing. Yesterday a baby died because israel tear gassed the life from that baby in her land occupied by Israel. I think Israel is going to really look like a bad apple from the slaughter in Gaza. It has been 11 years since Israel starting blockading and shooting Gaza people
I’ll have to go with Brennan and Deep State on this one. Trump went to the “dark side” and we’ll all pay for it. No wonder the MSM finally woke up to the scope of the massacre. Deep State told them too.
What is wrong with an investigation? Gaza is an occupied territory under military control international law applies in such circumstances.