Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have been quite successful in petitioning the Russian government against delivering S-300 air defense systems to Syria. After previous confirmations that such a delivery was happening, Putin now says he sees no need, and that no talks with Syria on the delivery are ongoing.

The timing is a particular surprise, as earlier this week Israel launched the heaviest airstrikes against Syrian territory in decades, destroying multiple air defense systems in the process. This would seemingly underscore Syria’s case that they need an upgrade for basic defense of their airspace.
The Russian government had previously indicated the deliveries were approved last month, when the US and its allies attacked Syria. Here it was Russia that said all arguments about the S-300 were obviated by the Western aggression. While the US hasn’t attacked again, Israel has been attacking Syria multiple times a week ever since.
Israel has long threatened to expose flaws in the S-300 if Russia delivered it to an enemy, either Syria or Iran. Russia has always shrugged off these threats, and it’s not clear what Netanyahu said to change Putin’s mind on the deliveries. It seems likely, however, that at least some pledges were made that Israel wouldn’t try to impose regime change in Syria, a long-time Russian ally.
What did Israel give Russia for this concession? Likely a guarantee not to attack any SAA military personnel, thus a guarantee that Assad will remain in power..
That’s as good a guess as any, certainly logical.
I wonder if Israel also got a free hand when it comes to hitting Iranian military, in Syria, included in the deal? Assad stays but Iran has got to go? It doesn’t sound like Russia did anything to stop Israel from hitting Iran’s bases. Iran has some fairly large bases in Syria right by Golan, very big actually. The thing is, Russia doesn’t want war between Iran and Israel either and if those bases stay much longer there will be and it might even be Iran that starts it. Russia knows that and wants to avoid it. Keep in mind the revolutionary guard in Iran is kind of it’s own thing but nominally under the control of Khomeini. Who WOULD want them parked on their border? That’s not wise to do to a relatively peaceful nation let alone to a nation looking for an excuse to go to war like Israel. Talk about poking a hornets nest.
I think Russia would like to see Iran wrap it up and go home, I know the US and Israel would as well. The Donald says he wants out of Syria too, so why not play Let’s make a deal? We pull out, so does Iran, Syria holds elections? Iran inspections and Kurds in there someplace? I think that’s where it’s headed after a whole lot more blustering and probably bombing and a whole lot of nastiness. More stupid ass Trump tweets of course, the whole freaking nightly news circus, etc. etc..
One thing not said but probably understood, the Israeli air strikes are by missile and not by manned aircraft. This implies that the existing Syrian air defense system (old Soviet type) is still effective enough to discourage the Israelis from any type of manned invasion. Probably, the Russians agreed to let the Israelis put on their little “dog and pony show” to impress Trump – just don’t get out of hand. The Israelis and the USA have lost in Syria; I guess that Putin must be generous enough to let them save a little face
That sounds reasonable. Hope you are right.
Israel always said they were nuetrel on Syria . So I don’t see how you can say they lost . United States supported the moderate rebels that did not exist .
Eric, “Israel always said that they were neutral on Syria” How droll of you!
in other news several posters on just killed themselves
While others, like yourself, masturbated.
Please don’t make me the object of your fantasies.
I am not into gay guys only gay or bi girls.Preferably Asians
We are guessing. Nobody knows if anything has been decided or delivered. We are reaching the stage of multitude of deceptions. Netaniahu did not win any hearts in Russia. He participated in the Immortal Brigade march, but did not carry a picture of his relative who participated in the war against Nazism. Instead he carried a picture of a Jewish Soviet Army hero. This event honors the memory of one’s family and friends that confronted Nazi war machine, not a showcase of one’s nationality. Tactless and arrogant as ever. We can safely say that we cannot understand what is going on. A lots of posturing, deception, and hidden intentions. Until US makes a decision on getting a committment by some Arab force to act as some form of stabilization force until political settlement — nobody will reveal their cards.
quid pro quo- Doncha just love dirty politics?
It has been reported that Syria invited Iran into Syria, but not, afaik, that also Russia wanted Iran in Syria.
So, is there now a thin rift between Syrians and Russians on the desirability of or need for Iranian military in Syria?
That is probably true. Israel promised to only confront Iranians in Syria, not Syrians and not Russians.. this is probably in Iran’s best interest also, it would not be surprising to see Iran back out of Syria and let Russia support Assad from here on.
Thanks for the agreement with my observation. I suggest, Syria, along with the Palestinians and Lebanese, can bring a fair peace and a fair political settlement for all Syrians w.o. any contribution from Iran.
Putin knows that an all out conflict
between Israel and Iran IN Syria
will cancel out all Russian gains in Syria.
It’s all about maintaining Russian control of Syria.
make nice with the Israelis,
gain more leverage and control over the Iranians,
remove any rational for the US or EU to intervene.
It’s a Russia First strategy, always has been.
The long arm of Israel here ? They control the Wests Left / Right Matrix , and injected themselves into Georgia,Ukraine , along with Trump’s burnishing Neoconservative Outlook , Internationally ,and Economically . I’m sure threats ,by the Israeli PM were made ….an even worse PR offensive against Putin in the USA , or unleashing ‘ Democratic Forces ‘ in Russia ? Is Putin following the advice of Seneca ? ‘ Silence is the wisest answer ‘.
If the Russians are afraid of Israel, which also controls the USA, what sort of a world will we anticipate now?
All this triangulation… It makes a good case for bringing the troops home and minding our own business. Oops, making war is our business, now.
Russia won’t even confront Israel and people expect that they will confront the US unless directly attacked? Please.
I feel really sorry for the Syrians though. Turns out they would have been better off just letting the gas pipeline from Qatar through and collecting the transit fees than getting jerked around like this.
Putin knows who’s boss.
I wonder, do the Russian people ever compare Putin to Neville Chamberlain?
What is going to happen if a pro Iranian candidate is elected in Iraq and thst country moves closer to Iran? This is highly likely and will have a trimendous impact on the region. A block comprising Iraq, Syria,Lebanon/Hezbollah,Iran and Turkey will have been formed with the backing of Russia and China, confronting Israel /US, Saudi Arabia, the latter not to be taken very seriously as far as military clout is concerned,
How do you pretend that the military strikes on Syrian targets that recently happened, in which you predicted Russia would wage nuclear war and ,China would come to the rescue never occurred.Look China had a hard enough time protecting its own dictator in NK, the whole it’s going to risk nuclear war with the free world fantasy isn’t going to happen buddy. We live in a world where there’s actual assets in place to remind each other that keep a certain balance in this world. It’s called Mutual Destruction and, doesn’t matter if it’s a hypersonic missile,or delivered from a stealth bomber,or launched from a submarine if the nation you’re leading is destroyed.
This is a gross betrayal of Syria by Putin if true.
Netanyahu must have made some serious concessions to avoid further Russian buildup in Syria in the form of those missile systems. Bibi knows Russia maintains a fleet of strategic bombers and could flatten Israel in a matter of hours before the US could intervene.