One major argument against the US withdrawing from the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran was the impact it would have on US relations with the other parties to the deal, including European allies. This appears indeed to be the case, as Europe scrambles to strike back against the US measures.

With the US talking new sanctions, and US officials ordering European companies to stop doing business with Iran, the European Union is already discussing legislation that would effectively block the US from enforcing the measure. This legislation is believed to echo the 1996 legislation the EU used to block US sanctions on Cuba from preventing EU business ties.
Since the Iran deal was signed, EU companies have been scrambling to secure lucrative infrastructure deals. The US largely prevented its own companies from reaching such deals, and has tried to keep EU banks from financing deals that had nothing to do with the US. Europe was annoyed at this before, and now that the US isn’t even a party to the deal, they are likely to be even less willing to brook US interference.
This is likely just the start of a broad rethink in US-Europe relations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Thursday that the EU can no longer count on the US to protect them. She added this is time for Europe to take its destiny into its own hands.
The Nation Gang, one of the most belligerent and law-breaking ever, needs military protection????
From whom? Is it Russia? Which is four times larger than all of the Europe; yet much weaker econo-militarily than Nato Gang.
Russia is not weaker than NATO. Even the NATO commanders have admitted this openly…
Agree. Russia is stronger militarily, and has critical assets in economy and energy to hedge problems.
But this is not the issue. Since 2000 Rusdia and China have agrreed in the principles of the new world order based on TRUE free trade and respect for sovereignity — meaning non interference into political and social systems of other countries. Since, Shanghai Cooperation Organization has grown, to include today all four Asian nuclear powers.
How does it apply to Iran nuclear deal? What will be measured are deeds not words. It is not the first time that US/EU play goid vs bad cop. So, for starters, we should watch for any EU tendency to moralize in the fashion if all former colonial masters. Iran’s “democracy” is just as valid as EU values, as it is their social consensus, and their way of life. Second, the deals EU and individual EU countries that are signed must be honored. Shanghai orinciples of free trade are simple. Nations trade to benefit themselves, and enter freely into agreements with others not on the basis of coercion and exploitation on the part of stronger and at the expense of weaker. If EU cannot abide by such fair rules, and thinks that it can now squeeze Iran into concessions, it will find out that Iran does not have to agree to anything under conditions damaging to its long term interests, or damaging to its neighbors and other partners. So, for example, if EU adds conditions to Iran’s commercial deals, such as severing relations with Russia, Iran cannot do it. Shanghai principles forbid that. Free trade with anyone, but never at other trade partners expense. EU colors will soon show. It is up to EU to demonstrate its high moral ground, and not plead victim to US badness, while extorting concessions from Iran. And by adding political conditions to commercial deals. Iran has other options, and if anything, it will be freed up from duplicity.
But on the positive side, EU has year on year increased trade with Iran, and may have to think hard before actung as US proxy to “curb” Iran.
This is god news and may encourage Iran to stay commited to the deal. In a way it is a better arrangement than having the USA in the deal but not honoring it.
Now if the P4+1 could bring in more partners it would be fantastic.
Make it the P10+1
The EU should join in with the BRICS then the U.S. elite will see what it is like to be sanctioned, lol.
I’d much rather see the EU cease to exist but that would be pretty sweet karma.