Having met with his Israeli counterpart, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis warns he sees an Israeli war with Iran as “very likely.” He cited Iran’s presence in Syria as the likely cause of such a fight.

Lieberman has long advocated war with Iran, and talked up confrontation in visits with Mattis and John Bolton. He said Israel would attack any Iranian foothold in Syria “regardless of the price.”
Israeli officials have long overstated Iran’s presence in Syria. Ambassador Danon today claimed Iran had over 80,000 fighters in Syria. This is false, and the number is simply the number of Shi’ite militias in all of Syria, with the assumption that they would all be loyal to Iran.
Mattis added that “we hope Iran would pull back” rather than risk Israeli attacks. Israel has repeatedly attacked Syria over the past several months. Israeli officials claim those strikes are all on “Iranian bases,” though those bases are formally just Syrian military bases.
Regarding the “very likely” war with I.ran, I must first tell a joke.
What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?
So, what do you get?
My a.ss of “very likely” they’ll start a war with I.ran. (Rated R for some strong language)
There is one sure way to get the Iranians out of Syria. And that is to stop targeting Assad, stop preventing him from winning the war. If he wins, and no longer has a need for Iranian militias, would a secular, non-observant, Alawite dictator even want extremely religious representatives of a theocracy establishing and maintaining bases in his country?
Of course not. He’d want them out every bit as much as the Israelis would. If not more.
But of course that wouldn’t suit the Israelis either.
Iran’s presence in Syria is just an excuse.
What they want is a wasteland to their north.
And expansion beckons.
Expansion? Or… lebensraum?
Why is the US allowed to have a presence in their ally’s countries at the behest of those governments but not Iran?
These ad many other double and tripe standards — that is to say no standards at all — is the key reason for US losing credibility around the globe.
“the likely cause of such a fight” of course is Israel’s eagerness to start wars for little reason with US weapons, with the hope that the US will finish it. All Israel has in its toolkit is bombs, so everyone looks like a target.
“He cited Iran’s presence in Syria as the likely cause of such a fight.”!!!!! So Iran, Syria’s ally, is not allowed there, while Israel can steal Syrian land, attack Syria and threaten retaliation if Russia helps defend Syria. Sounds fair????
I believe this is hasbara to intimidate Iran. Israelis do not believe in prolonged wars or heavy casualties, both or which would befall Israel if it confronts Iran. Israel already believes its 2006 invasion of Lebanon was too costly and had not been planned properly.
It is also a farce to force other nations (Europe, China, etc.) to jump on board to further sanction Iran. This is a tactic Israel has always used to make America obey, and push others to follow suit.
One must hope that any unprovoked attack on Iran from Israel deals Israel with the most brutal and decisive beatdown possible. It is high time that Israel gets back the sick brutality that it puts upon the Palestinians, Syrians, and all people who are interrupting the criminal Zionist agenda. The world will thank Iran since Israel is, and always will be illegitimate.