Reports emerged on Monday that US troops have begun a drawdown from Iraq, with officials citing the defeat of ISIS. This is being welcomed by Iraq’s Shi’ite militias, though they are urging a full withdrawal.

Multiple statements were issued by multiple, very influential militias to this effect, enough that Prime Minister Hayder Abadi defended keeping some US troops to “finish the job” of destroying ISIS.
The Badr Brigade, however, issued a statement saying any remaining troops would be a cause of instability, noting that they view US forces as “a magnet for terrorists.” Badr Brigade has multiple Iraqi MPs, and the Interior Ministry.
Kataib Hezbollah, a more militant militia, said they are serious about seeing US troops completely out of the country, and that they are willing to employ force of arms against them to make it happen.
The Pentagon has made clear they intend to keep US troops in Iraq more or less permanently, to preclude any other future ISIS arising. This is raising concern among militias that the US presence amounts to an occupation, a point the US will struggle to contest.
Iraq has their work cut out for them riding themselves of the invasion.
Israel wants Iraq as a bridgehead for attacking Iran and that pretty much means the American State Department and Pentagon’s hands are tied.
Is the US in the verge of another win? Bush won in 2006. Obama won in 2011. The third time could be the charm. But we have to leave troops there. To defend our freedoms, which seem to be scattered around the world.
The Glactic Empire isn’t going anywhere. Only reason why Eeraq isn’t going through another regime change it’s because we control the oil fields.
Any shift in the infintry level is boxcared
straight to Suuria.