US-Turkey tensions mounting surrounding the Turkish invasion of the Syrian Kurdish Afrin District look to be getting much worse, with Turkey’s deputy premier Bekir Bozdag warning that the US is the one risking confrontation by supporting the Kurds.

Bozdag warned the US needs to “review its soldiers and elements giving support to terrorists on the ground,” and that US forces who continue to support the Kurdish YPG, which Turkey considers terrorists “will become a target in this battle.”
The US isn’t believed to have any serious forces inside Afrin District, which Turkey is presently invading. Turkey’s President Erdogan, however, says they will attack Manbij next, and there are a substantial number of US troops deployed there.
The US had long bet that Turkey wouldn’t invade Manbij and risk fighting a fellow NATO member, but Turkish officials are now giving the indication that they’re trying to call America’s bluff on such a confrontation, and betting the US will back off their alliance with the Kurds rather than risk a fight with Turkey, who hosts a key US airbase.
You have to admit, the plays this game really well. Will the galactic empire risk a major war and permanently lose its base and silos in Turkey? Stay tuned.
Idk seems like Turkey is the one playing well carving out Syrian territory and ethnically cleansing it’s borders with a 30 mile buffer zone. Erdogan is filling that region with people who want Assad removed. If America leaves they still have a massive base in Turkey and it won’t be long before Assad with Russian support has to deter the Sunni Insurgency from going any further. The weapons the fighters, financing all come via Turkey let’s see if this works out in Turkeys favor and they don’t end up crawling back to NATO when Assad’s campaign via Hezbollah and his army go to secure there borders with Turkey. Can anyone say Frozen conflict.
I’m shocked that no one in the West has got the meaning of “Operation Olive Branch”.
When the Turkish defense Minister flew to Moscow for consultations before this mission began, I doubt Russia greenlighted it without Turkey giving assurances they’d withdraw from Syria when the Kurdish problem was eliminated.
Isn’t it evident that Russia wanted America out of the mix so when the Kurds go to the Syrian safe zone guess who they are going to be supported by Russia. Isn’t it clear that Russia and Syria intend to give the Kurds an autonomous region to keep Turkey from unleashing the Sunni Insurgency on Assad an keep them occupied with the Kurds. America if attacked though will have no choice but to down an Turkey ally and Turkey will have to understand what America giveth it can take away.
So if I understand you correctly, you believe that being a member of NATO isn’t a guarantee of security, it’s a mandate of compliance of what America wants.
No Said if America is attacked it will have no choice but to unleash on a NATO ally.
But per the NATO treaty if a NATO country is attacked then we must come to their aid. US troops in Syria are what you might call collateral damage or maybe human shields. In the end Turkey and our bases there are more important than the curds. So we will betray them again.
Alternative option regime change in Turkey, we might get it right one of these days.
The Americans have made too many blunders already… Any more coup attempts in Turkey will lose every Turk to the man… Fool yourself once, shame on you..!! Fool yourself again & again, shame on you and everyone who helps you…!!!!!!
Wow this cowboy getz crazier & crazier with each comment.!!!
Hey America, go for it… As Cowboy says… Great idea..!!! Bye, bye NATO…
Bring it ON……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes and no. Canada is a member of NATO and because it refuses to host US nuclear missiles, the US said it won’t protect it if there is war with the DPRK. The US really uses NATO as a source for troops/grunts in its endless wars and demands the NATO countries acceed to US foreign policy under the pretense it will “protect them” but in really only protection from a US made enemy in a US made war.
So what’s the difference between NATO and a Mafia protection racket? Seems to me, they are identical except NATO is bigger.
Seems to me the only valuable thing to be taken away is the privilege for the U.S. use Inslik air base in turkey… What has Uncle Scam given to Turkey that she may take away Cowboy… Yes, What is it…..?????
More valuable than Inslik air base is America’s influence in the Middle East. That’s something that will be taken away from America, whether America likes it or not.
Give the Kurds whose zone…???
America is the PRIME mover for Assad’s removal.. As dictated by America’s little Welfare Queen scam buddy. Who else has any native grievance against Assad & Syria except the Neocons and their bribed lackey backers in the U. S. Congres and the Orange Presidency…
Yeah Cowboy, it will be interesting to see how this all goes down.. One thing for sure!!! The announcement of a U.S. 30,000 man border security force between Turkey & Syria was an unmitigated blunder that has unleashed an angry Turkey, ready to avenge the Gulan Coup and every other grievance since 2001…… Good luck getting this toothpaste back in any tube……!!!!!!!!
No, we can’t say frozen conflict, but we can say frozen minds trying to cum to terms with reality is a non-starter….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gee, i wonder why the founders warned against going in search of monsters to destroy and unnecessary entailing alliances with foreign nations ?
Erdogan is revealing his recklessness by now saying the offensive won’t stop at Manbij, or the river Euphrates, but carry on to the Iraqi border.
The Kurds desperately need an international summit of some sort to determine their status.
Recklessness? No.
Every move Turkey makes is with the blessing of
The Kurds, bless their savage hearts, will have to choose go to the old days or die trying.
Their status is simple, they are citizens of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq and Iran. Same as they have always been.
The fact that they are fighting through the use of terrorism for the last 30 years to create a ‘Kurdish’ state by stealing a part of each of these countries is merely a crime. They will be treated terrorists and criminals and be incarcerated or executed in each of the countries.
The US of course are supporting the terrorists, it is what the US does.
So I guess that’s why both the America and Russia are supporting the Kurds in different areas of Syria. Go back to the archives on this site weren’t the people on this forum calling Turkey out for supporting ISIS trying to over throw Assad calling him a terrorists supporter? Funny how now that he’s having a conflict with American backed Kurds that helped defeat ISIS and is invading Syrias sovereignty all of a sudden he’s a good guy, gimme a break. Look you’re biased and your mind is already made up America is evil and even though they’re just trying to reward the Kurds with an autonomous region for helping to defeat ISIS and defend Syrias sovereignty, and Russia and Assad want the Kurds there as a buffer to keep the real terrorists Turkey supports from attempting to remove Assad you just can’t see it. Go chug a huge glass of Putin juice!!!
Is Turkey STILL really trying to oust Assad…??? I’m certainly not sure that is correct.. It seems to me Turkey & Russia have come to some sort of meeting of the minds & it seems that Trump and America are the odd man out as a result of this reproachmont.
Only time will tell if the above is true, but the recent statement from Turkey that If American troops support the Kurds, they are going to be fired upon by Turkey seems to say everything..we need to know. Is there any more to say….????
I suspect that the Russians are letting the Turks bash the Kurds for a little bit. After a little bit, when everybody is tired, the Russ will broker a deal Kurds get some level of autonomy in Syria but not a nation and the Turks leave. Using the Turks to pacify the Kurds while you reload.
As a double bonus a wedge is driven between the USA and Turkey.
So the US, who has no right to be in Syria at all, is simply rewarding the Kurds by giving them part of Syria, which of course, doesn’t belong to America. If America is so happy with the Kurds, why doesn’t America give the Kurds part of Texas or California as a reward? That would make more sense.
Thank you for your wonderful DoD approved insight.
Having read your comments on many of these articles it is quite clear that you have absolutely no idea what the F you are talking about and merely regurgitating the US propaganda.
You cannot read, cannot comprehend and add nothing to the discussion. Doubtless you will blame Putin, he seems to have a lot of time on his hands to make your little life miserable.
Newsflash, your life is miserable with or without him.
Good For You.
They are the largest ethnic group in the area and they should have a country. They were divided and conquered by the British when they used the Mideast as a jigsaw puzzle. Nothing like having your borders set by foreigners.
They have no status as stateless refugees… And their latest role as U.S. mercenary spoiler forces.. If America had anything at stake here, we could understand all the incredible duplicity she proffers.. All the regime change operations America has initiated are beginning to paint an ugly picture of American intention. Screwing the Kurds is only 1 more black mark on America’s Neocon dominated terror apparatus… Coups, Putsches, invasions built on lies like in Iraq & Lybia to steal the countries wealth and resources… It seems they have no shame whatzover…. At least be just a bit consistent. And maybe somewhat honest…!!! Forget about it…!!!
The Kurds need to wake up and stop being the American’s lackey stooges……!!!!!!!
Russia offered the Kurds autonomy in Syria, but they refused to attend the recent “National Dialog Congress” in Sochi, probably because the US guaranteed them a new Kurdistan. When the Kurds are soundly beaten back by Turkey, Russia will probably make an identical offer again and hopefully the Kurds will realize American guarantees are meaningless.
In Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran the Kurds had limited autonomy for at least 30 years. They wanted it all, and the US offered them ‘Freedom’ if they would just deliver the oil and a route to the Caspian for Oil to reach the Med (via Israel of course).
The Kurds took the bait and soon will have nothing.
I doubt that Russia is offering anything. Syria is-was willing to return to the status quo, and the ‘Russians’ were the messengers.
Assad is smart enough to take on one fight at a time, and Russia, Iran and Turkey have got his back against US warmongering. They know that US will not be satisfied until the US controls everything, including Syria, Iran, Turkey and Russia. For some obscure reason this does not make them happy.
Now what will the clear-thinking deciders in the USA do now?
Hello Rosemerry….
I have a feeling that this is exactly what Putin was aiming for.
I am of the same mind as our Conrade…!!!!
Putin was wise to let the Turks take care of the CIA mercenaries. We have no business being in Syria. Militarism has been our downfall.