With the Spanish government’s attempt to end Catalan secession by forcing a new election having failed, leading to the election of another majority of pro-secession MPs, King Felipe VI used his Christmas address to warn the new parliament to renounce secessionist ambitions.

The king insisted that a confrontation would “generate discord and uncertainty” in the region. It’s unlikely, given the December campaign making secession the core of the election, that a victorious pro-secession bloc is going to let the matter drop outright.
At the same time, some Catalan secessionist parties did give lip-service to trying to make the break a more negotiated process than the previous effort was, which saw Catalonia hold a vote over Spanish objections, and attempt to secede outright afterwards.
Spanish officials, particularly Prime Minister Rajoy, have long rejected the idea of a negotiated exit, but their trump card of forcing a new election having failed, they may no longer feel they can just try to jail the secessionist leaders as rebels.
Some kings just do not get it.
In an age of “democracy” and the “will of the people” (such as it is), “Royals” are an anachronism.
Doubt if democracy can prevent war . Every body wishes to leave about tax time .