One week after President Trump declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, pretty much the entire planet has had the opportunity to comment on the matter, and they have, apart from Israel, uniformly criticized Trump’s move as a threat to peace efforts.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was, unsurprisingly, among the first to criticize Trump’s move, questioning how the US could possibly be the broker for peace after such a declaration on a key final status issue. The White House, reflecting their recent strategy of angry outbursts at anyone who publicly disagrees with them, is condemning Abbas on Wednesday, accusing him of having “prevented peace for years.”
The White House added that Trump remains “committed” to reaching a peace deal in Israel-Palestine, despite the Jerusalem move, and present Abbas’ resistance as the sort of thing that has “prevented peace for decades.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also condemned Abbas for the comment, insisting that the whole world would eventually accept the “truth” that Jerusalem is, and always will be, Israel’s capital.
Despite the White House and Israeli reaction, Abbas’s comments were neither surprising, nor particularly unusual, as virtually the whole rest of the world echoed Abbas’s criticism.
Is anyone surprise Abbas refuses to sell his soul to the devil?
“They make a desolation and call it peace.” – Tacitus
That’s the only “peace” that Trump and his Zionist puppet masters want for the Palestinians. Abbas and the rest of the world know that.
Unconditional surrender is the only peace that would be acceptable, and they have not been able to get it — yet.
Kushner, Friedman, and Greenblatt are a sorry bunch of opportunists thinking they can enroll the Saudi’s to give them credibility then ram
through some agreement that hands Israel the West Bank, Golan Heights
and Jerusalem, good luck with that.
Israel has never at any time had the slightest intention of reaching peace, except in the Tacitus definition quoted by Thomas, below.
They want Abbas to say “thank you sir, may I have another”
Trump then wonders out loud why N Korea or Syria don’t want to negotiate with him. Trump maybe be a tricky dick in Manhattan real-estate but people like Abbas have committed their lives to this cause and are never going to sell out.