In a newly penned op-ed run in the New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has urged the world, and Europe in particular, not to be influenced by President Trump’s confrontational policy toward Iran.

Zarif suggested Europe could work with Iran and ensure that the P5+1 nuclear deal remains intact, irrespective of whether or not the US intends to honor the deal. President Trump has decertified the deal, leaving it vulnerable to a Congressional vote.
Europe has already been lobbying Congress not to dismantle the deal, and many have suggested that the deal should stay i place with or without US participation. Zarif said Europe shouldn’t “pander” to Trump by listening to the US hype about Iranian missiles or their influence in the Middle East.
President Trump was hostile to the nuclear deal before his election, and has accused Iran of “violations,” despite the UN inspectors reporting repeatedly that Iran remains fully in compliance with all aspects of the pact.