According to the US-led coalition fighting ISIS, some 400 US Marines and accompanying artillery have been ordered back to the United States, with their involvement in the capture of the Syrian city of Raqqa over.
Coalition director Brig. Gen. Jonathan Braga says that the remaining forces will continue to stay in Syria to fight against ISIS or the emergence of future ISIS groups, and to assist “international governments and NGOs.”
The presence of US troops in Syria at all is a controversial one, since Syria never authorized such a deployment. US officials, however, have indicated that they don’t intend to leave,and that the deployment as such is open-ended.
What this does to official US troop levels in Syria isn’t clear. Obviously the US claim that 502 troops are in Syria was false, but the coalition statement is an official one, and might oblige the US to claim they’re now down to 100, despite there being well in excess of 1,000 US troops in the country in actuality.
Will they leave enough to stop the Syrian government retaking the region from the Kurdish separatists?
As the war against ISIS gradually comes to a mopping-up end, and peace and stability once again take hold, the United States will withdraw its troops,… gradually, so as not to look like they are being chased out. This is the only way they can leave without losing face, without appearing weak. They know that, if they stay they will inevitably be confronted by Syria and Russia, and the rest of the world Community, because without question, their presence there is illegal and illegitimate. They wouldn’t be attacked, that would be dangerous and excessive. They would just be humiliated. So to avoid that they’ll leave, gradually and in good orderly fashion. And the Russians and Syrians will help them to do that in an “honorable” fashion, no humiliation required. Indeed, probably thanking them for their help in liberating Syria from the ISIS plague.
The US, under the Neocon Bush/Obama/Hillary regime change war project, created the Syrian abattoir. In support of that project the CIA deliberately trained, and armed Al-Qaeda, notwithstanding the fact that they attacked the US on 9/11. (Does that qualify as material support for a proven terrorist enemy? Does that matter in the least to the CIA? You be the judge.) And ISIS they created almost by accident, but once created, supported them, while Obama mouthed his phony outrage…. well, that is until the Russians blew the whistle on him and his bs.
And yet another fine example of the perpetual lies spewing out of the Globalist Coalition of Slave States.