During her scheduled Wednesday visit to Saudi Arabia, British Prime Minister Theresa May says she intends to challenge the kingdom on a number of human rights abuses, and in particular will demand an end to the Saudi-led blockade of Yemen.

Though international aid organizations have been deeply critical of the blockade, this will be the first time a top foreign leader has demanded the Saudis stop the blockade, which has been in place for two and a half years, and is killing growing numbers of Yemeni civilians.
Britain has been selling growing amounts of arms to the Saudis throughout the war, which has raised concerns among some officials that Britain is effectively complicit in the war crimes going on in Yemen.
A similar concern exists with US support for the Saudi war, as the US has sold the Saudis even more arms, and has participated directly in the conflict and blockade. This concern has been expressed by some in Congress but so far the US leadership appears unmoved to limit their involvement in Saudi actions.
Well this would be a departure form the lap dog status the UK has with the American hegemony.
the story is in future tense, and will remain so.
Why don’t they just break the blockade?
How? Do you have any idea of Yemen geography? If port if Hodeidah is blocked, no way out. If the one and only goid road from Hodeidah to Sana’a is damaged, no goods can come to the Sana’a plateau. The situation is dire not so much in food — but because water cannot be purified, cholera and dysentery are rampant. Emaciated pelple are victims of diseases due to sanitary priblems in large cities like Sana’a, Hodeidah and Taiz. Yemen has a vast agricultural sector in areas of miderate ckimate and hugherbaltitude. But damage done to irrigation systems, as well as the step agriculture — have diminished production. It is very untrue that Yemen imports most food. I did UNICEF study on nutrition and early childhood in Yemen back in early seventies. They have excellent nutrition practices, raising their grains, vegetables, fruit of all kinds — including grapes. I noticed that the globalist crowd hates agricultural, self-sustaining people. The hate stems from the inability to conwuer people whi are self-sufficient, and cannot be made come on their knees and eith outstretched begging hands to the fat financial blood suckers or Saudi arrigant princes. We should have learned much from the amazing ingenuity of Yemen farmers, instead we are trying to obliterate a proud and independent people. We brough Al-Qaeda there so we had an excuse to be there. But in the end — thise prople will survive. They have the skills and social fabric to keep alive. They are as perennial as grass.
Easy to say, when you supply the arms, like the USA and France, but do not really care about Arabs in a poor country with little international power.
Really? Just tell them to end the war they are conducting on your behalf. Else, you would like to feed them so that you have more reason to keep war alive. So, let us be clear. Say — stop fhe war, and it will end. All Saudi Arabia wants is for US and UK to own the war. And call for its end. Or at the very least — what is the objective of fhe war? The president Hadi you wanted to install in Yemen resigned and did not want to be part of it. But he cannot — he cannot even escape from Saudi Arabia where he is held against his will. I do not blame Saudi Arabia today for stopping the illussion that he as a President can go to his alternative capital. Saudi Arabia is keeping him until US and UK say uncle — and stop droning, or supporting UAE in tsking chunks of Yrmen. Everyone wants war — and is asking Saudi Arabia to allow feeding Yemen in order to kerp the war going. There are so many new drones on order, and calcelled contracts are nit good for business.
Theresa May is going to demand it? Oooooh that will have them shaking in their sandals. Not really of course but it will be good for the crowds at home