Pentagon claims that no US troops were left behind, let alone survivors, in the October 4 Niger ambush, are falling apart with growing comments from both Nigerien officials and villagers from the area, who reported finding the body of Sgt. La David Johnson.

After coming under ambush, the US lost contact with four soldiers, and evacuated without them when France sent helicopters. Three of the four were found dead not long thereafter when they returned. Sgt. Johnson was found days later.
And locals say Sgt. Johnson was almost certainly alive when the US left, as the body they found had his arms tied up and was shot in the back of the head, suggesting he was caught by militants and ultimately executed.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis had previously insisted that this was not possible because the US military never leaves people behind. Questions continue to grow about the Pentagon’s story, but the Pentagon says their own investigation is still ongoing, and is urging patience until they finalize it, suggesting that for now everything they’ve said so far is little more than a bunch of trial balloons to see what the public will buy.
Is that why his widow was told to have closed casket?
The bullet to the back of the head no doubt left a substantial exit wound in the area where his face had been. Keeping the casket closed concealed that fact, and with it the fact– embarrassing to the military — that he had been left behind, captured and executed.
Do you mean, purposefully left behind?
And why would they do that?
who allows this???????
Karma is a bitch ….
If Johnson was executed, or killed in battle then set up to look executed, its potentially a very strong statement given that the white bodies seem to have not been bothered.
Being black will afford U.S. soldiers no special treatment except the race traitor treatment by black African nationalists. Wahhibism replacing Marxism as a rallying banner only promises and uglier fight, should AFRICOM go haji on the natives.
Of course, the mysterious outbreaks of plague in Africa suggest this admonition is wasted on U.S./NATO hybrid warriors.
Sucks to be an imperial invader when things don’t go right.