Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who resigned last week amid claims of an assassination plot, has gone missing from his trip in Saudi Arabia, and despite Saudi denials, Lebanese officials believe he is being held by the Saudi government.

Lebanon has yet to accept the resignation, which was made during Hariri’s Saudi visit, and President Aoun is seeking diplomatic help to try to figure out what exactly happened. Other officials are demanding his return, saying restricting his movements is a violation of national sovereignty.
The Hariri resignation was made within Saudi Arabia, and blamed Iran and Hezbollah, at roughly the same time Saudi officials blamed Iran and Hezbollah for a missile fired from Yemen. Saudi Arabia has been moving to escalate tensions with Lebanon ever since.
But Hariri’s fate seems a mystery. Saudi officials initially claimed he’d left, then claimed he could leave any time he wanted. Since then, there’ve been numerous false reports of him being en route to various places, but so far he’s never turned up.
Something very dodgy going on in Saudi Arabia.
What is in their hookahs….??????
MBS has spent waaay too much time watching game of thrones with Bibi.
These shenanigans are completely out of hand.
Nice frame for this impending FIASCO!
MbS won’t last. Tillerson just said U.S. supports Hariri. There is no way MbS will
do harm to Alwaleed. Something’s gotta break here. MbS very dangerous.
Ha ha hah….So NOW IT’S THE “MAD CLOWN PRINCE”………??????? This sort of behavior makes great opera but shitty statecraft. And the Clowns father was of late in Russia.????
Was there any statement, joint or otherwise from that visit..??? Time to start asking them about nine 11, and WTF they are doing… & where is Turkey in this crazy plan, if true to attack Lebanon and Hesbollah…????? Are the Saudis up for the incredible problems for the KSA this plan could precipate???? And why would Trump go along with this plan. Doesn’T he have some fish of his own to fry that this supposed attack on Lebanon would generate more division & strife… A lot of trouble for WHAT…. What is in it for Joe Sixpack and the 1% too… This has got to be the craziest plan in years..if true.. Lebanon is noT Yemen as the Saudis will very quickly discover.. How will they attack Hesbollah…????? They will melt away into the general population.. Already the U.S. news is saying the Saudis don’t know where Hariri is… What a production..!!! Who’s plan IS this…