European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Amano Yukiya were quick to defend the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran today, following up on President Trump’s hostile speech by insisting that the deal is working, and will continue to work.

Mogherini noted that the deal isn’t bilateral, and that as a result the US cannot unilaterally cancel the deal even if they want to. She added that the international community was not interested in dismantling a nuclear agreement that is working.
Amano was similarly defensive about the deal, insisting Iran had been placed under the world’s “most robust nuclear verification regime” under the deal, and that all the terms of the pact continue to be implemented.
Perhaps the most meaningful comments came from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who similarly pointed out that no single president could abrogate the international deal. He dismissed Trump’s “insults and fake accusations.”
Rouhani went on to say that Iran has no intention of withdrawing from the nuclear deal, and will continue to comply with it so long as it remains in Iran’s interest, with or without US participation.
I love it, “fake accusations”. Hit the moron with his own catch word. FAKE.
There exists a website “US treaties in force” maintained by the US State Department. It is freely available on line to the public. It lists all active US treaties and agreements. Go to IRAN. We have no treaty or agreement with Iran on nuclear inspections, the production of enriched U235, and heavy water reactors. There is no such agreement waiting for our Senate’s approval. Go to UNITED NATIONS. You will find no treaty or agreement with the UN on nuclear inspections in or the production of enriched U235 by Iran, and on heavy water reactors in Iran. Why? Because the so-called Iran and six agreement is now fully anchored in a resolution of the UN Security Council which tells Iran, the US, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China what each can, must, and may not do and not the other way around. This is not an agreement nor is it a treaty. It is in essence a command from an international organization of which we are a member. That is what irritates President Trump. With regards to this issue he is not in the driver’s seat. The internationally recognized drivers are the UN and its Sherlock Holmes the IAEA. Trump is trying to weasel his way into the driver’s seat. When that fails as it will he will try to blow up the vehicle in spite. Such is US statesmanship 2017.
Notice that the rest of the people involved seem sane, as well as knowledgeable and observant, none of which could really apply to Trump.
Israel is ahead of anyone else in the playbook of Trump and most of the “US Congress”, supposed to represent the citizens. How could 100% of thinking humans vote that the UN is anti-Israel, which happened in the US Senate in April 2017?