The United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the United States, Yousef al-Otaiba, today vowed that his country would never back down over the list of 13 demands being imposed on neighboring Qatar, insisting that all of he issues are vital and “affect all of us.”

The list of demands includes paying fines and shutting down all state media in the country, and also includes demands Qatar close all diplomatic facilities they have in Iran while seriously curtailing trade. This is likely to be seen as particularly hypocritical of the UAE to insist on, since they have closer ties to Iran than Qatar does, and are bigger traders with their large neighbor across the Persian Gulf.
Otaiba, however, insisted that if Qatar doesn’t submit to every single demand, they will face the continuation of the blockade by themselves, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Egypt. This blockade initially inconvenienced Qatar quick a bit, closing its only land border and cutting its airline off from several neighbors, but a shift to buying food and water from Iran and Turkey has mostly allowed the economy to continue unhindered.
Otaiba also complained about the fact that the 13 demands are now a matter of public record, accusing Qatar of having “leaked” the list to try to have it “litigated in public.” Given the nature of some of the demands, it does make the nations making the demands appear particularly heavy-handed and unreasonable, so if that was the reasoning behind the leak, it may have been a smart one.
Curioser and curioser. Tales from 1001 nights. UAE, the most faithful ffiend to the
Desert Kingdom, is stabbing the young crown prince in the back, by demanding a share of the Yemen pie. South Yemen stretching from Oman to the straights of Bab Al-Mandeb, is the prize UAE is coveting, plotting with Oman, and with a wink and a nod from Iran. Here and there a few clashes with Saudi backed non-existent government and helter skelter mercenary troups — and UAE has laid a claim. And the tails continue. In our fancy full media, horror stories are filling the airwaves of UAE torture chambers and the screams and cries being heard by passers buy. Now given the medieval spirit of the fedal fiefdoms, this would not be unusual. What is unusual is the spirited tone of neocon fake media — the same media that would be utterly deaf and stone cold to suffering — if ir advanced their cause. And poor Kuweit mediating, scared stiff of its 40% of Shia population — lest any ill phrased sentence starts a riot. And as the young impetuous prince leaves mess all around while lower sheiks and emirs are lrft to clean after the puppy — Egypt is moving in to “help” Desert Kingdom, only weeks after being punished by the Impetuous Prince for leaving the Yemen coalition. Already paid for oil was not delivered to punish Egypt. As the Saudi occupied little Bahrain Sunni rulers are looking at 80% Shia masses with utter fear — let us count the Saudi friends. Yes, like in any desert tale, they blend into the fuzzy horizon as a fatamorgana.
US bases in Shia majotity Bahrain and Iran and Turkey friendly Qatar — life has suddenly become very, very complicated. Without Saudi occupation of Bahrain, the ruling monarch would meet one of those colorful mediaeval deaths. And without breaking Qatar’s alliances — such as Turkey — US needs to thread very carefully. One is NATO ally, and other houses the largest base in the Middle East. While Egypt cares only about some loudmouths claiming to belong to Brotherhood. Otherwise, Iran is not its issue. So, the 1001 nights continues. And the appearances may not be reality, as the truth is apt to fly up on the magic carpet and be spun and spun by our mainstream fake media to their hearts content. This is how desperate the situation is. Israel has to fake attack on some rocks on Golan Heights, that Israel just HAD to help Al-Qaeda in the area by attacking Syrian forces in righteous indignation, allowing Al-Qaeda to move in. Shower is urgently needed after this Israeli vomit.
So like neocons. When losing, escalate, when that does not work — open new front, and if that fails, get Israel to cry being offended, or poor Kurds are not allowed to do some righteous ethnic cleansing. And if all fails — a big bomb, just to see what happens. While we just mind our daily chores, take kids to park, go to work. While cowards that cannot accept that they LOST Syria — are busy plotting erratically, fewerishly, throwing a dice and hoping that the next trick will be one to suceed.
Thanks Red Tick Alert…. It’s a great article.. I guess I get my WISH!!! AND a bonus…. Looks like Russia & China going with Qatar…. WTF…
If true New Prince in for a very well deserved & extrimely rough ride in near future….
I am sure we could all get along, but that is the exact opposite of the wishes of the US / Deep State. Personally I think some of this has to do with the success of the SAA, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah in Syria and a sort of “divert and distract” process; but we shall see shortly. Sit back and watch.
Set up to lose… Oooooo terrible… There won’t be a dry eye in Russia…!!!? Wonder what sort of tweets the reality of this all will generate in the Emerald City if all of what Engahl purports is TRUE?
Time will tell if Saudi Hubris has reached the exitential tipping point for the just ensconced Crown Prince as seemingly appears to have occurred…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Well, if both Russia and China are taking Qatar’s side, I’d say the have already lost, or it will cost trillions to buy a win..
I agree but remember in Bahrain, it is majority Shi’ite and they really have no love for the bully boy Sunni stooges in power now Saudi Arabia due to their obsession with control + the damage they have already inflicted.
Troubled days, manipulated yet again by the US of A.
Bianca’s best ever comment for me! I haven’ t laughed this hard for months… Just when I am lost in the thicket of irreconcilable events and illogicalities, Bianca speeds by with a few unforgeable lines which wrap up the whole imbroglio sussinctly and with a bounty of laughs… My kind of political reportage… Kinda like Pepr Escbar but funnier if not more accurate.. Wow… Her commentary brightens this place like none other… Thanks for the knowledge & enlightenment Bianca, that you always bring and thank you even more for the laughs you brought me today…
Bianca, Have you read the Engdahl article Red Tick Alert linked….
Its a real eye opener… Looks like I was correct to predict that
Can’t wait to see if Russia joins Turkey & Germany to assist Qatar against evil wahabi nine eleven plotters, pilots and financiers…. Go crazies go, maybe ask for every male firstborn child.. He
WTF Jason….. Why have my last two comments failed to post…???