Following yesterday’s vote on an amendment adding substantial sanctions against Russia to the bill, the Senate today voted to pass the bill, which was designed primarily to impose a number of new sanctions on Iran for “non-nuclear” moves that the Senate objects to. This too easily passed, with a 98-2 result.
The legislation was loudly endorsed by Israel lobbying group AIPAC, and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D – NY) also made clear the vote was all about Iran, saying it proved “bipartisan unity” in support of Israel that they were moving to punish Iran so overwhelmingly.
The lone dissenters on the bill were Sens. Rand Paul (R -KY) and Bernie Sanders (I – VT). Paul’s vote was unsurprising, as he’d also opposed yesterday’s amendment on adding Russia sanctions to the bill. Sen. Sanders insisted his concern was that the new sanctions against Iran would imperil the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran.
That’s a realistic threat, despite confidence from Israeli lobbyists that it would not, as the bill was largely an attempt to sneak sanctions the US was obliged to lift from Iran as part of the nuclear deal back in as part of punishing Iran for “non-nuclear” actions, and those leading the charge were opponents of the P5+1 deal in the first place. Iran is likely to see this vote as tantamount to a violation, though it’s not clear what their response will be.
The White House didn’t mention the Iran sanctions part of the bill, but did appear to be down on the Russia portion, saying they believe that the existing slew of anti-Russia sanctions are already plenty. The Crapo Amendment on Russia mostly was designed to prevent the president from removing any sanctions without Congressional permission, but quickly expanded to include large new sanctions against mining and energy production within Russia.
Senators Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) voted against the amendment, while Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) abstained.
That was yesterday. Rand Paul is the only one to vote against both.
I just knew there was a reason I liked Bernie Sanders.
We had about 20 candidates, and the only two who I considered acceptable were Bernie and DT because the rest of them were flat out crazy. I guess Bernie was the best of the lot after all.
…And people get shot protecting these pukes. I hope you cleat each other in the crotch at your stupid baseball game. Enjoy your stupid f**king unity. America hates you all.
Schumer is a disgusting Israeli firster.
Schumer is disgusting period.
The existing sanctions against Russia are not working so the next logical step is to declare war and forcefully evict Russia from Crimea.
After all, if turning the Crimeans over to a govt they despise is vital to U.S. interests then we have to judge everything we do based on the effectiveness of achieving that goal. McCain can lead the charge on the first amphibious boat. They’ll greet us as liberators, Russian oil will pay for the war.
The real targets of such bills are our supposed allies such as Germany to keep them from buying energy where they want, and to further the economic interests of US corporations. And let’s not mince words: new sanctions on Iran ARE a violation of the nuclear deal by the US, certainly in spirit and probably in letter. All this pointless Russia bashing has real consequences, like that anti-GOP/Trump shooting recently. Time to disband NATO.
Organize — Or else
Cancer, corruption and Empire expansion, all have one thing in common, as an absolute they never improve. For if we do not put Empire USA out of it’s misery, the world will surely do it for us and bury our miserable bodies with it.
Russia is Christian VERSUS Israel is 80% Zionist Ashkanazi, Talmid-following a parliamentary democracy–never mind–Seed of Abraham, Torah and theocratic monarchy. This is a very bad decision against God YHVH who already realigned Russia with Faith.