While President Trump is openly said to be planning a possible attack on Syria, and is discussing options for such an attack with Defense Secretary James Mattis, Sen. Rand Paul (R – KY) is warning that any such attack would first require Congressional approval.
Sen. Paul cited assurances from US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley that she would not advocate war without congressional authority. While the current and recent administration have used the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force as a blanket attack everywhere authorization, this particular attack on Syria wouldn’t be even tangentially related to al-Qaeda, and would stretch the AUMF far, far beyond incredulity.
The need for Congressional authorization for a war of regime change in Syria, already killed the Obama-era effort in 2013, as after Britain’s parliament voted against joining such a war, Obama Administration officials started courting Congress for their own vote, and when it became clear they had no chance of getting an authorization, they dropped the matter, despite arguing that they could’ve unilaterally attacked without Congress.
The modern penchant for US presidents to unilaterally start wars without Congress rests heavily on Congress not openly challenging such moves, and the huge scope of a potential Syrian War, including the possibility of getting sucked rapidly into a war with Russia, would make it difficult for Congressional leaders to eschew their role in such a decision.
Sen. Paul also warned that the US war of regime change might make things worse, as it might back the Assad government into a corner and force him to make more rash actions.
Unfortunately since Congress will do what Netanyahu asks them to do in regards to ME, Congress will accommodate.
Assad using chemical weapons against his own interests is like attacking Iraq on the trumped up WMD charges.
Looks like the neocons, Netanyahu, Saudis and their useful idiots here are going to take us to another unneeded Iran proxy war there.
This time it is more dangerous because Russia is there in Syria and it will be a direct confrontation between Russia and us.
This situation’s similar to Europe before the outbreak of WW1, except for the far advanced weaponry and military equipment. There was no danger of total extinction of life on Earth back in 1914 .. In fact, the tank was a new invention, and aircraft were simple bi-planes.
The situation today is far more dangerous than it was in 1914. A 3rd World War would certainly go nuclear, ending all advanced life on this planet .. the survivors being certain microorganisms and, perhaps, insects such as cockroaches. All other life would become extinct.
Well what’s it going to be? The triumph of evil, or WW3? Seems like vaporizing in flash or dying from radiation poisoning might not be such a bad thing in comparison. Apologies for saying it
“us”? The US government isn’t “us”…. The MSM lies to us. Special interests control the legislature. The courts are packed with those that deny the Constitution.
Very conveniently and suddenly, Assad does exactly what spurred Trump into changing his policy, the West shows shock and horror, not noticing two years of helping their ally Saudi Arabia to kill thousands of children in Yemen.
or in facting Funding the Group that spawned ISIS, Al Nusra Front formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq! So which ACT is America’s President breaking when its own Government is funding an Al Qaeda subsidiary!
Congress won’t be able to meet by the time a war with Russia is afoot.
DC would be gone before any formal declaration could be made.
Are you ready to die ?
The 2001 authorization only allows military actions against terrorists and terrorist organizations anywhere.
One fact to remember. If the civil war in Syria ever ends only an Assad government will allow the Russians to keep their naval base in Syria.
The Hell with the US constitution and article 1 Section 8…war powers belong to Congress…We have an outlaw government…have for years…Trillions for war…More trillions for for war…what a fu…ken…stupid nation we are…Perpetual war…perpetual war…screw Congress. screw the President…
Well said. Also as Gore stated regarding the US state of perpetual wars, he also talked about and I am sure you have heard the phrase used by him many time “USA of amnesia”
Sure wish I could hear his views today. Face it, we the people are “F**KED”
They’re just dumping their stockpiles, real estate prices these days, storage cost money afterall!
The biggest laugh is on the Trumpites, now that Trump has taken a swing at the tar baby. They can kiss any promises they had from him, right at his ass. He made the BIGGEST fools of their IGNORANCE, and took advantage of their stupidity. Now he has handed himself the $54 billion for military, but that is gone in a few days. Time to take the fence money and give it to the military as well; since the border crossings are down, so says Trump, so that means no need for a fence.
Trump just showed he is a TERRORIST by attacking a country that NEVER attacked the USA. Congress did NOT give him permission to do this. He is covering for Exxon in the Brazilian rain forest. Get ready for more destruction, in more ways than just wars.
When the sane go mad
what should one do
shop at walmart
buy a gun
hide it under your car seat?
As humanity spirals into psychopathy
Should one prep
stuff food in the basement
wait pray hope
for a judgement day
shivering with impotent fear?
What do i tell my kids
love your fellow human beings
as they all attack each other
again and again
generation after generation
clamoring to be king of the hill?
Here i am
an enemy of rome
Nothing left to do
stand up
scream at the top of my lungs
you crazy lunatics
quit the killing..
Not to mention there’s no reason to believe Russia would just watch as the US destroys it’s ally.
If only the American people would make its voice heard again, like it did when Obama was suggesting those dumb ideas.
I guess it’s true: even a broken clock is right twice a day…