The United Nations has begun talks on negotiating a global nuclear weapons ban today,but will be doing so in the face of intense opposition from the United States and several of its main allies, with the Trump Administration setting itself up as leading opposition to any nuclear disarmament deal.
The UN General Assembly agreed back in December to try to negotiate such a deal, but in the face of opposition from the US, along with France, Britain, and Australia, it appears unlikely any deal will be possible. US officials are insisting that whatever sort of deal is reached, the US must retain its own nuclear arsenal.
Exactly how much US pressure is behind the rest of the nations “boycotting” the meeting is unclear, but Australia’s statement on the matter, insisting it needs to keep assurances of being under America’s nuclear umbrella, suggests the US may be playing hardball with any countries backing disarmament.
President Trump has sent mixed signals about his intentions on nuclear weapons, talking up the need for major new expenditures on such weapons, but also at times urging the world to “come to its senses” about the weapons. The Obama Administration was generally pro-disarmament, though they were very publicly opposed to the nuclear-free Middle East program when they realized that Israel was the sole nuclear power in the region.
“The Obama Administration was generally pro-disarmament”
The Obama administration liked talking about being pro-disarmament, but took precisely zero steps in that direction. In other words it was a bunch of hot air.
Nearly everything that Obama attempted to do but failed to do was due to the Republican party’s building of racist hate and resentment of him as president. Obama ever wanted to bring in universal, single payer health care but knew that your country would never accept such a thing. Hence, all the shoulder shrugging of Americans wondering why the Republicans don’t have a plan.
Obama simply ‘was’ the messiah, but in a rhetorical way as opposed to liberal. He just really was the answer and the reason why many voted for Trump, the great white hope. Many of Trump’s promises were straight from Obama’s playbook. We should talk about how Trump lied and still became your president.
While I hate this Trump policy, I respect it as more honest than the last 50 years of presidents have been. What’s really gross is the apparent strong-arming to prevent any other nation’s diplomacy being effective at holding the US to the policy we SAID we believed in. Holding the US to its promises is exactly what the world should do.
So you respect Trump for being honest! And do you respect Trump for being honest on changing the rules of engagement that has resulted in big civilian kills too?
Anything can be counterspun by those who have been suitably propagandized into seeing it as good.
US business as usual or the new US under Trump.
We can expect it’s the latter because of what Trump has said about nuclear weapons.
Stay with the antiwar cause Trump supporters, we are trying to make you whole again. Even Raimondo who is a Trump supporter, kinda, sorta, partly, not at all, very much so, more or less, to be announced, yeah right, Rigggghhhhtttttt!