During the course of last week’s private talks, President Trump handed German Chancellor Angela Merkel an invoice for $375 billion that he’d printed out himself, saying it was an estimate from US officials on how much money Germany owes NATO for expenses defending them.
Trump played up the idea of Germany owing “vast sums of money” to NATO and the United States during last week’s visit, but did not reveal that he’d handed Merkel such an invoice. The move didn’t sit well with the German government, which condemned the move as an attempt to intimidate the chancellor.
It isn’t totally clear where Trump’s aides came up with the $375 billion figure, but NATO has been pressing member nations to spend at least 2% of their GDP annually on the military, and Germany spends somewhat less than that. Despite this giving Germany one of the world’s most expensive militaries, and despite them being on good terms with all their neighbors, the Trump Administration is eager to play this up as something they can bill Germany for.
They can’t actually do so, of course. There is no mechanism by which NATO can fine member nations for not spending more money. If anything, the administration’s escalation of the rhetoric is fueling more resistance from nations like Germany, arguing that a straight percentage of military expense isn’t a good metric for contributions to international order.
This is perfect! Let them all feel the cost of empire, and they may begin to finally look a little more critically toward it.
Great idea. Let’s see how many fans NATO really has once they actually have to pay.
What an idiot. There is no money owed, Germany and most of the EU has failed to live up to the 2% of GDP commitment but that is more what you call a guideline. The US has stupidly (and for its own reasons I suspect) footed the lions share of NATO but you can’t send other people a “bill” for your stupidity.
The German economy is what 5X Russia? add in France GB Italy etc etc plenty of money and manpower to defeat a resurgent Russia. When the wall fell Nato could have actually said “mission accomplished” and folded up the tent. Well better late than never
Is he an idiot? We know he’s not keen on NATO. With the current stupidity over his relations with Moscow, he could hardly break up NATO. However, offending the other members will eventually achieve the same result.
AND, sources I can’t reveal because they asked for anonymity tell me, that he put it all in the aging boxes at the bottom showing that it’s over 180 days past due and that he’s going to start billing them 1.5% per month on the overdue amount. PLUS,if they don’t start making payments he’s going to turn it over to the IERS, that’s the newly rebranded Internal/External Revenue Service which he’s going to announce tomorrow.
Even if president Trump was not serious (another joke!) it was a puerile act.
USA wants someone else to pay for its military adventures and its empire.
Sure it is great if it works.
Sort of how Israel hands their tab to the USA
Yes the USA can demand such money from Germany and more.It is because Germany is not a free country but is under USA occupation.That should be a warning for all countries dealing with the anglos.The anglos has no shame,no limits,just cowards bullying countries that can not protect themselves.But the anglos will have their pay.
There’s that Trump stock photo again!
The comments are mostly a show of Americans’ arrogance and that’s fine if it takes their eyes off the ball. Pushing Merkel and trying to humiliate her will eventually cause the German people to recognize that the threat isn’t coming from Russia.
The value to the rest of the world in having a psychopath as president! The US/Nato hold on it’s member countries could start to loosen.
That’s what makes the opinions expressed on this board a little hopeful. Americans are still buying into Trump’s big mistake of saying that Nato wasn’t useful. Likely the reason for Ditz using that stock photo again?
LOL! ” and despite them being on good terms with all their neighbors”
How dare Germany!!
Now, this is something really unAmerican. How can we have constant wars if you are nasty enough to have good terms with neighbors or anyone else??
American troops really are mercenaries. Thanks for the official clarification.