Throughout the waning weeks of the US presidential campaign, the FBI is once again center stage, announcing today that the new set of Hillary Clinton emails they came upon two weeks ago included “no evidence of criminality,” and nothing that would make them alter their initial conclusion.
Coming just two days before the election, the latest announcement is only adding to the allegations of the FBI trying to “manipulate” the vote, with the initial announcement of the emails being condemned by the Clinton campaign as proof the FBI was trying to get Trump elected, and Trump supporters attributing today’s statement as the result of heavy political pressure from the administration.
The FBI’s very public but ultimately not particularly fruitful statements are certainly insinuating them into the campaign whether they want to be there or not, and seeming efforts at damage control that follow are likewise so haphazard as to simply bolster the sense in both parties that there is something very wrong with the way the FBI is operating.
The expectation that the latest FBI statement would help the Clinton campaign is already having an impact on the financial markets, with the Mexican peso jumping on the news, and other foreign markets seen as favoring the Clinton campaign similarly on the rise overnight.
Hillary “Halo” Clinton: pure as the driven snow, innocent a new-born lamb.
My God,the fix is back in.What a charade,as the WH must of squashed Comey’s balls.
Holy shite.
And there it is. Looks like everybody just rolled over and hit snooze. Business as usual…
There is some serious psyops going on with this. Steve Pieczenik, Erik Prince and others talk about imminent indictments and arrests, citing “sources” in FBI and NYPD. Pieczenk claimed in one video there is evidence of Hillary taking flights on Epsteins plane! Truepundit, infowars, breitbart and the whole constellation of alt right sites spread the story like wild fire. All citing Prince, Pieczenik, or unnamed sources. It’s the 7th, where is the evidence? If these alt media outlets and their “sources” don’t come through it is time to consider that the alternative media is cooperating with mainstream media in disinfo psyops.
The evidence is there, Simon. The NYPD shared it with the FBI. Bill Clinton flew with Jeffrey Epstein 26 times to “Orgy Island” and had sex with underage girls on that island, which is located in the US Virgin Islands. Hillary has accompanied Bill a number of times on the “Lolita Express” – Epstein’s private jet – and also engaged in sex with underage girls on that island.
Go ask the NYPD; they surely have the evidence. Seek answers from the FBI also. They, too, have the evidence. FBI Director James Comey is a thoroughly corrupt man; he’s been connected to the Clinton Foundation well before he was appointed Director by President Barack Obama. He knows darn well all those emails exposed by Wikileaks refer to the Foundation, trips to “Orgy Island” on Epstein’s plane, and contain Special Access Programs – thus, risking the lives of several Intelligence operatives.
Comey, himself must face the same consequences as the Clintons and their aides, since he’s aiding and abetting their felonies.
If the evidence is there it should be made public. Today is the 7th. If NYPD is sitting on such info they need to reveal it, and I doubt me asking will compel them. I don’t doubt the allegations about Bill as there are flight records to prove his trips with Epstein. But alt media has made claims that they have not backed with any evidence. Citing anonymous sources is a typical tactic of disinformation. Meanwhile the provable connection of conflicts of interest between the FBI deputy director and his wife’s political campaigns goes unreported. I’m just wondering if the sexual deviancy, occult spirit cooking, etc is just getting hillarys opposition chasing their tails combing emails looking for sex trafficking codespeak.
I was able to find with no difficulty emails in the latest wikileaks batch that show the campaign accepted money from Morocco, and that hillary had personal meetings in Morocco as a requirement of the deal.
Why is media ablaze about unproven sex scandals?
Great comments below I believe the FBI is still under the spell of Clinton’s coven. Comey grow a pair. NYPD–with the stuff you’ve come across tell Loretta Lynch to go F herself