Aleppo may get the lion’s share of the coverage in Syria’s Civil War recently, but the presentation of the conflict by both sides (ironically as they have been for years) as the decisive battle for Syria, the reality is that Syria has no shortage of different conflicts, with myriad different factions fighting largely independent wars.
Five years ago, Syria may have been a loose collection of rebels against a government, but today it’s common for two rebel factions to end up fighting one another, and there are several wholly distinct battles across the country, from the US-backed rebels at the Tanf border crossing to the fight between Nusra and the Syrian military over Idlib and Latakia Province.
Even sites like the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus regularly sees open combat, sometimes involving a governemnt force, sometimes just a pair of rebel groups. Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, also has multiple ongoing fights, with internal disquiet among different rebel groups, and the Syrian military pushing in and taking some of the towns in the meantime.
None of these different fights has anything resembling a resolution on the horizon, nor indeed is it likely that a surprise resolution of one or two conflicts would actually mean much anywhere else in Syria, as the country stares down the reality of an increasingly less stable civil war, with ever more participants, that there is no end in sight.
I’m surprised this article should appear in
A “Covert Operation” run by Washington and using paramilitaries recruited abroad – in this case Jihadists – is NOT by definition a Civil War.
There is only one fight – the Obama regime have not abandoned their primary War Aim of replacing the Syrian government with a client one.
It can quickly be ended by the regime abandoning its operation and covert War of Aggression against Syria.
Alll Obama has to do is make two phone calls to the DoD and CIA.
“I’m surprised this article should appear in”
No you’re not. You show up on a fairly regular basis to proclaim your “surprise” that doesn’t just slavishly recite your line.
“I am shocked” three weeks ago.
“why was this extraordinary article printed in” last month.
“I would question the accuracy o many of the assumptions in this article” three months ago.
“ repeating your Regime’s propaganda” three months ago.
“I am concerned an article like this has been published here” four months ago.
No need to lie about your motivations. You’re free to argue that’s editorial policies are wrong. When you continuously try to do so by way of trickery, however, don’t complain when your arguments are discounted.
In view of the effect Washington’s attack on Syria is having I would have thought there would be a clear line against, this includes one from even you.
There is a clear line. That line is against US intervention in Syria. We’re, not
And as I have pointed out, this is nothing you don’t know. You pop in every few weeks for exactly the same conversation, pretending that it’s a conversation you haven’t started, and received the same response to, 20 times already.
In a US “Covert Operation” operation, as they are known, the American regime and the government of the country concerned. are the two sides.
it has been so since Allan Dulles and Harry Truman’s advisors invented them in 1947
The paramilitaries and Front-Organisations being used are mere string puppets and the monkey on top of the organgrinder;s barrel organ.
The Revolt of the String Puppets.
Here we are asked to believe the string puppets revolted, as in Pinnochio, “There Are No Strings To Hold Me Up….”
h one other point it is traditional to recruit the paramilitaries from outside the victim country.
Here the two sides are your regime, as represented by The State Dept./ DoD/ CIA and the Syrian government.
Your regime did not “intervene” in an existing situation, Having decided to overthrow the Syrian government, it recruited Jihadist paramilitaries, armed and trained them, spent a fortune of your American taxpayers’ money, then invaded with them.
But this is not clearly stated.
It is clearthe public are being prepared for Excalation under Hillary if not before.
So now is the time to speak out,