A new batch of Wikileaks documents shows that NSA surveillance of German officials extended to former Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, an operation that centered largely on his role in investigating CIA torture and keeping US officials appraised of the situation.
Steinmeier, per the reports, didn’t appear too interested in investigating CIA torture flights going through German airports, and the NSA reported he seemed “thrilled” that his tactic of avoiding asking direct questions had succeeded, and relieved that Condi Rice had given him nothing he “had to” look too far into.
US officials were warning Germany at the time that bilateral relations could be negatively effected if German officials looked too deeply into the torture program, and this appears to have played a role in Steinmeier’s aversion to probing too far.
While NSA surveillance has been hurting US-German relations with its repeated targeting of top officials, the latest revelation may also badly embarrass the German government for its relative ambivalence about investigating torture at the time.
Oh yeah, Merkel the most powerful woman on the planet. Just a sleeping Chihuahua puppy in reality.
The Germans push us all around in Europe, especially poor Greece, but are afraid of the mighty yanks. Pathetic.
I don't think it's a question of being afraid. Before Obama dithered over Ukraine, relations were excellent between the US and all the EU Member States, so nobody saw any reason to cause trouble for a good friend. Having, for the moment at least, left Europe in the lurch and discredited NATO, the US cannot really expect any favours from Europe, so everything that was swept under the carpet is being swept out again.
Feb 23, 2015 CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Wake Up, You’re Next
Abby interviews CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in his home.
I doubt if any of this will cause much waves in Gremany. First of all, it's both old hat and not news to anyone and secondly, their main problem at the moment is how to get Schӓuble to retire quietly.
Condi Rice, the demonic handmaiden to the New World Order.