Resigned to the likelihood that an Iran nuclear deal will be signed at some point in the coming hours or days, Israel is gearing up to take its vociferous opposition to the pact into high gear, lobbying the US Congress to vote against honoring the pact.
While previous Congressional efforts to derail the nuclear talks themselves failed, despite strong Israeli support, the Congress did secure a veto-proof majority toward granting itself the power to veto any deal reached by the Obama Administration.
Congress will have 60 days from the day the signed deal is submitted to them to vote on it, and Sen. Bob Corker (R – TN) suggests the Republican leadership will use every bit of it, meaning the vote on the deal is unlikely until September.
That gives Israel two months to step up its already hostile rhetoric on the deal and try to convince enough Democrats in Congress to go alone with blocking the pact. Much of the Republican leadership is already agreed to block the deal, whatever it ends up being, and they have indicated that pressure on Democrats from “heavily pro-Israel” districts will likely be the deciding factor.
there seems to be talk about denying Iran The right to buy a lot of conventional weapons , like ballistic missiles . This would be a shame after they have negotiated nuclear weapons . Iran has to have good delivery system in order make others feel unsafe .
Dear freinds:
I've seen far more evil done by Israel then I've ever seen Iran do. Gaza is exactly like the Warsaw Ghetto. Every so called preemptive war was in fact nothing more then aggression, steeling of more land and a very effective propaganda. This zionist state is an apartheid. They squeezed the Palestinians until they fight, Israel then hammers them harder and they have never shown good faith in any negotiation that puts an end to their tierney. Israel has no credibility.
Now the Palestinians have focused on diplomacy, and piece by piece the real story emerges. We are in the information age, not so easy to maintain a great lie and muzzle the truth. US withdraw of support, maybe sanctions is the right remedy, not unwavering support.
Of course Israel is afraid of loosing their relevance leading to accountability, if you had their record, anyone would be afraid.
Israel is used to telling the US what to do in the Middle East, such as the Iraq invasion. On the world stage, Israel has humiliated the US and made the US it's puppet and complicite. I don't know about you but I'm offended the US continues to support them, at the cost of treasure and self respect. I'm a little offended that Israel has the arrogance to attempt to manipulate the US senate and media.
Now we will find out which US senators have been bought and paid for. Geopolitically peace with Iran reduces the the relevance of Israel and the shielding they get from accountability for past and present injustice. The US's unwavering support has been an enabler for the Israelis. Can we continue to support a country that has caused so much misery and a leader who is a war criminal?
There can be no peace in the Middle East until Israel changes their ways and reveres the social injustice and the US cannot continue to shield them and continue to be humiliated in the eye's of the world and the US allies. American values should mean something and not be a standing joke because of unholy relationships with a fundamentally terrorist state or minimally an apartheid depending on how you define terrorism.
So who is up for sale in the US senate will be interesting to see and how low Republicans will sink for money and influence. This issue invites a US voter backlash. Is the US nothing more the Israel's bitch??? We know the US media is up for sales ever since the Republicans passed legislation to end the requirement of balanced reporting. So beware of propaganda my freinds, beware of who is up for sale in the senate, remember that when you vote next. Beware of argument without real facts.
Six of the major nations approved this deal. It was quite an accomplishment and I expect it's very solid as Obama knows this is facing a tough audience for approval. The only wild card is propaganda and it's effects and politicians up for sale. Israel is betting on the stupidity of the US voters to be led by the nose like sheep. Are we sheep??? Peace with the Palestinians peace with Iran, both unacceptable to Israel, shows only that they know nothing of diplomacy and peace making. Might is not right and is a twisted world view. You have far more influence with friends or minimally associates, then you have with enemies.