The Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) for the ISIS war, which has been raging for nine months now, has still not been brought to a vote, and the recent indications are it probably never will be.
“The snag is there is no real political will or interest in doing this,” noted Rep. Adam Schiff (D – CA), saying no vote on the war would be a terrible precedent.
Yet that seems to be where things are headed, as the White House unveiled its proposed AUMF bill and quickly alienated most of the public by saying it was “deliberately vague” to allow them to expand the war at will.
In the lead-up to last November’s elections, there was little interest in a political volatile vote, and now the war has been going on so long most of the Republican leadership, which supports the war at any rate, seems to see no need to put anything on paper.
So, will this end the US's illegal involvement in making war on ISIS? Nah… The US Congress is filled with blatant cowards. The leadership core more so. The American people need to demand that Congress take a stand, for or against, and then suffer the consequences. Yawn…
of coruse USA doesnt want to fight ISIS. After all, ISIS are doing USA's dirty work in both Iraq and Syria. The idea is to divide Iraq into 3 pices while removing Assad. Anyone who doesnt underrstand this is uncreadibly dumb.