The framework for a nuclear deal between Iran and the international community seems almost sure to be reached in the next few days, and that realization has set the stage for another round of anti-diplomacy efforts by Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has declared Iran “a year from the bomb” for literally decades now, is once again leading the charge against a deal, declaring that the terms are even worse than he imagined.
That’s really saying something, since just weeks ago on a DC visit Netanyahu was presenting the deal as an unresolvable crisis for the entire planet. Now, somehow, it’s even worse than that, and he’s once again lobbying the US Senate to sabotage the pact.
There are plenty of Senate hawks with an eye toward doing exactly that, but it remains unlikely that they will be able to muster a veto-proof majority for any deal-killing legislation, and President Obama has stated his intention to veto any bill that harms the talks.
That leaves Netanyahu on the outside looking in, shrill as ever, but probably without the international clout to actually kill the diplomatic deal he so reviles.
The Administration should give Netanyahoo a choice…STFU and drop his attempts to phug things up or Obama will direct his UN Amb to end it's blanket support of Israel in the UN.And if Power should object, remove her and replace her with someone not in the Israeli pocket.
But, I've been known to pipe dream before.
US imposed sanctions — A true sign of power
Surely, for if Empire USA never imposed sanctions on anyone, always granted complete freedom and independence to everyone, why would any man consider our Empire anything more then a paper tiger?
So, until Iran decides to stop supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups that oppose the brutal imperialism and expansion of an Empire called USA, look for sanctions unto bankruptcy for Iran, sanctions unending.
America is being trashed with its own whip.