Vice President Joe Biden spent four hours today in private meetings with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The topic: how to impose regime change on Syria, Turkey’s war-torn neighbor to the south.
Publicly, the US has been in favor of regime change for years, and had been backing “moderate” rebel factions on and off in hopes of installing one of them.
Since entering a direct war with ISIS in Syria two months ago, the US war focus has been on ISIS and other rebel factions, strikes which the US concedes are benefiting the Assad government.
Over the past few weeks, the US has been reiterating, over and over, that their policy is regime change, but their actions in the ISIS war are supporting the exact opposite, and when asked point blank, President Obama conceded earlier this week that no actions were being taken to try to remove Assad from power at this point.
"reiterating, over and over"
Yes, but is it happening again and again?
told you so
Imagine the British and French intervening in the American Civil War, as they considered, in 1863- but attacking both sides, claiming that both the South and the North would have to go. That's about what the US government is saying about Syria.
It's ridiculous, and as a result, there's going to continue to be a bit of a distance between what actually happens and what they say they are up to. Because what the policy is quite a trick, even for US policy in the middle East: it's both absurd, and impossible.
It's not a secret that their goal is "controlled chaos".
The real question at this point is, how long do they plan to continue this strategy? And of course, the "enemy" and the Zionist entity (is that redundant?) has a say in how long Obama and vassals can continue to pursue this policy.
Hasn't the US caused enough suffering for the people of Syria yet? Yup, the phony Iraq war is the root cause of most of the trouble in the ME today. Not to mention the Israeli puppet masters who work the US's strings.