Last week’s settlement announcements sparked a massive diplomatic crisis between Israel and the United States. Underscoring how unconcerned the Netanyahu government was by this, Israel’s going to do it again.
The Israeli Interior Ministry has announced preliminary approval for yet another 500 settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo, which was one of the two targets in the last announcement as well.
The State Department was critical of the move, saying it “flies in the face” of Israel’s stated commitments to a peace agreement with the Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority similarly blasted the move.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected the labeling of the settlements as settlements as such on the grounds that Israel annexed occupied East Jerusalem years ago and never intended to allow it to be a Palestinian capital city. Their annexation has never been internationally recognized, however, and the construction process appears materially identical to the other settlements across the occupied territories.
Now is about time for the Swedish social democrats government to stop importing Israeli agricultural produce, ordering ICA, lIDEL the german giant food stors all over Europe and COSUM the other Swedish food giant, now is time for social democrats in France to order their giant food stores stop importing Israeli goods, now is time for the Christian democrats in Germany to fallow suit and stop importing Israeli goods.
The 100 year plan — Until peak oil has come and gone
In 1948 our corporate rich gave all those Zionist invaders from Europe all the killing machines needed to establish occupancy and dominion over all of Palestine. Then they laughed all the way to the bank, knowing full well that to steal land at gunpoint would be the highesdt asperation of such land grabbers, that war unending would engolf the Middle-East and that a most perfect enviornment would it be for maximizing profit in trading war materials for oil.
And we wonder, "Where did ISIS come from?" or "Why do they hate us?"
Great questions Richard with the answers in recent Mid East history. The Problem is most Americans have no idea about the history of the
Middle East. They only know what the see on TV , hear on the right wing radio shows, or might see in an occasional news paper headline which is always pro Israeli government matter what they do!
And yet the check is still in the mail.