A US drone has launched another attack against Yemen today, killing three people in the Jawf Province in the nation’s northeast. The slain were unidentified, but all labeled “al-Qaeda suspects.”
It’s the second strike in the past few days, with another attack against Wadi Abida overnight Monday killing four people in two vehicles, who were likewise labeled terrorists.
The US also launched four drone strikes last week, killing a number of people and sparking a retaliatory execution by al-Qaeda of a man accused of being a “targeter” for the drones.
The dramatic increase in drone strikes in Yemen comes amid a new UN report on drone attacks, which warned of hundreds of civilian casualties in the US attacks.
Al Qaeda is executing suspects! Obama better execute some suspects!
Al Qaeda is executing suspects! Obama better execute some suspects!
Just another violation of 'International Law' committed by the US.
Oops, I forgot. 'International Law' doesn't apply to the US.