Likud MP Tzachi Hanegbi, a close ally to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warned today that the P5+1 interim deal with Iran was making an Israeli attack more likely.
Hanegbi insisted Israel could attack Iran at any time, and might just randomly attack Iran in an effort to prevent a final agreement from being reached with Iran.
Israeli officials have been threatening to attack Iran for decades, of course, and Netanyahu has angrily condemned the P5+1 deal, saying it is a threat to Israel. This has prompted several P5+1 officials to warn Israel against undermining the pact.
The Netanyahu government has made no bones about that being their goal, ordering Mossad yesterday to find “evidence” of violations in an attempt to kill the deal before a final pact can be reached. Apparently option two is to just attack Iran and hope the Western nations that for years have given Israel cover to behave so belligerently would be blamed, and that this would kill the deal.
What do the israeli people have to say about this? Anything? Are they behind the criminal netenyahoo and tschatschki hanegrstbi's madness to destroy life on this planet?
Would the US really let Israel ignite World War III? Let's hope that we don't have to find out.
"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!" – Baby Bibi, Dec. 3, 1951 [age 2]
Sigh, some things never change.
Bibi and the president are still waltzing– nothing more. The moment Bibi and the Israeli leadership become an insurmountable problem for America, they will be removed. Unthinkable, you say, . . why not? The United States has been removing "inconvenient" foreign governments for over a century. The Israeli military will be the only one given advanced notice, and only enough to let it know it is not going on the block with the political leadership. It will happen so fast the pro-Israel lobby will only be able to comment on the aftermath– and only very carefully.
but the problem is now there are a lot of settlers in country and Israel has a lot of nukes. if the issue is say expelling the pals out of the West Bank then it becomes sticky. Not insurmountable but a lot of late nights
First, however, a little more building.
Unlike their existential enemies, Zionists are builders not destroyers. Look at the oasis they made in an arab desert. So a little more building in Yeretz Yisroel.
And then only if it's b-so-lute-ly necessary and they're backed into a corner and they have no other choice …. then bomben auf Polen …. er .. Iran.
yeah right!! – Builders on other peoples lands, using other peoples money, while protected by the blood of others nations soldiers. And as for your claim that the land of Palestine was nothing more than a desert, then how do you explain the fact that the levant region grew some of the best dates, oranges, and other crops years before there was a state of Israel? Your sense of history is like your hubris – full of $hite!!
The ground work is being laid according to news reports from the ME…..
NYTimes: "Tacit Israeli-Sunni Arab cooperation"
"… I attended a Gulf security conference here in Abu Dhabi that included officials and experts from all over the Arab/Muslim world. In the opening session, Shimon Peres, Israel’s president, flanked by the white and blue Israeli flag, gave an address by satellite from his office in Jerusalem. Good for the United Arab Emirates, the conference sponsor, for making that happen. Seeing the Israeli president speak to an audience dotted with Arab headdresses reminded me of the Oslo days, when Israelis and Arabs held business conferences in Cairo and Amman… But this tacit Israeli-Sunni Arab cooperation is not based on any sort of reconciliation, but on the tribal tradition that my enemy’s enemy is my friend — and the enemy is Iran … "
Guess the old southern saying of what goes around eventually comes around…..
I have been saying for some time that provoking Israel and Saudi Arabia to attack Iran is the whole point of Obama's agreement with Iran. Obama wants to be able to step aside and let Israel do all the dirty work on their own, and that will wipe the ObamaCare disaster off the front pages. Remember – with Obama, everything is about domestic policy – and that means ObamaCare.
If Obama travels to Iran next year, Israel attacks while he is there, Iran takes Obama hostage, and then Acting President Joe Biden signs a bill repealing ObamaCare.
the important thing is this deal and any subsequent ones just add distance so that any strike by Israel would not necessitate american involvement.
what a strange day that the greatest potential threat to the united states today is the us congress.
Not gonna happen. Besides, what happens if some mythical Israeli/Saudi coalition does attack Iran to stop the agreement…. and it goes through anyway? Both Israel and Saudi Arabia will have committed de facto acts of war and their international standing tarnished even further- and to make it even more sweet, Iran will undoubtedly emerge in a better position to take the Victim Card away from Israel for all time.
So ask yourself this, Bibi- how many lives (even just Jewish lives) are you willing to sacrifice for your
bluff and bluster?