Rumors of Secretary of State John Kerry’s next visit to Israel being cancelled remain up in the air, but the visit is at the very least postponed, according to State Department officials.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously claimed Kerry was visiting on Friday of this week, the usual cap off to Iran talks where he tries to placate Israel and gives Netanyahu a chance to condemn diplomacy in general.
With Israel and the US increasingly at odds, Kerry’s visit has been postponed indefinitely, with officials saying he was likely to visit at some point after Thanksgiving, but no specific date was yet set.
Israel declined comment on rumors in their media that the visit was cancelled outright, saying that if the State Department was cancelling the visit it was up to them to say something.
I am glad Obama and Kerry seem to be standing up against the Israel lobby and working for peace!
Notice how Kerry is wearing a blue tie over a white shirt–the colors of Israel's flag–and Nutty-yahoo wearing a red-white-and-blue tie while they stand in front of their respective flags. More not-so-unintentional symbology of USIsrael being one and the same?
Good pick up on that. Also notice how Obama always wears a blue tie with white stars…as close as possible to the ribbon on the Congressional Medal of Honor. All ways of subliminal influence and using symbology to crap on us!
where he tries to placate Israel and gives Netanyahu a chance to condemn diplomacy in general.
israel the worlds #1 terror group ….
has to be placated….
how these people lie
1 they never called for israel ti be wiped out just get rid of the zionists
2 they WERE all for a 2 ss…which israel opposes
3 they have a right to an nuke program the US started it for them
4 israel has no right to anything
And it should be reported widely that Netenyahu is the ONLY man on this planet that has sold Nuclear weapons for money! This has been confirmed by the country that bought them South Africa which also at the time of purchase was subject to a United Nations security council Arms embargo! Netenyahu should have an International red Notice from Interpol declared against him and he should be hauled off to "the Hague" for dealing in weapons of mass destruction! Lets not Pussy foot around here, Netenyahu makes claims that Iran will do this and Iran will do that, things like sell Nuclear weapons to other countries, he bases this on first hand experience, his own when he himself made the arrangements to sell such weapons to South Africa!
The FCM in America dare not ask the Zionist about their atomic weapons they will end up in skid row this is the power they have over the American people.
Kerry postponed his visit because Bibi is flying to Moscow tomorrow to meet with Putin. A news item that for some unknown reason is not mention in the US news media.
Gotta admit the guy is persistent but its a new world now.
The US Sec. of State is not welcome and permitted to prostrate and debase himself before the Zionist masters to whom we give $$$billions….what a comedy.
Just how often do these clowns have to travel to israel to bow before their master?
So the Zionist can crap all over them as they did to your president in the house of representatives and got standing ovations."WAKE UP"
Sensible people are sick and tired of War, death, financial debacles, "$pecial relation$hip$", tyrants, chest pounding and whizzing contests.
Obama's legacy is riding on the outcome of these talks, he desperately wants to secure a place in history as the president who brought the Iranians to their knees.