Speaking today by video conference from Kabul, US Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, the second in command for the NATO occupation forces in the nation, says that the war is going well and the “conditions are set for winning this war.”
Lt. Gen. Milley went on to say that he didn’t think the Taliban were even capable of ousting the US-backed government anymore, but conceded that the war is far from over.
Milley insisted that the war is going to continue “for a fairly long period of time,” and while he didn’t specify how long, he did say it would not be over in “the next year or two.”
That’s largely in keeping with what the Pentagon has said at any given point over the past 12 years of the Afghan occupation, as they always remain confident they’re en route for a victory, but that the victory isn’t actually going to happen until so far int he future that it can’t be predicted.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Milley IS hilarious. Lemme see here, Empire Amerikana has been warring on Afghanistan since October 2001. Oh yeah. The war is going well. Really? Conditions are set for winning this war. Really? Herr Generalissimo Milley is a sorry excuse for military command.
Longer than WW1, WW2 and the Korean War combined and he's confident they'll win it? What a hoot. The man is a fool.
Milley Cyrus you are talking out your backside. The graveyard of empires disagrees with you, foolish buffoon.
Hey Dont't insult Miley Cyrus even she has more sense in her little finger than this guy.
The general is smoking too much opium.
Lt.Gen. Mark Milley what a load of rubbish!!
The Greatest Military Power on the Planet has been fighting a mob of turbaned warriors for 13 years and still have no idea that they cannot win.
Oh, I believe they know that they cannot and will not win but stating the obvious is a definite career-ender when the political leaders are trying to convince the voters otherwise. Gotta stick to the approved script.
At least he sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Except that light is an oncoming train.
Of course the definition of winning includes allowing the more 'moderate' (corruptible) Taliban back into bed with Hamid Kharzai. The more militant Taliban are snug in Pakistan, when they haven't gone to Syria in hopes that they can con Obama into sending them aid against Assad.
Meanwhile all those wunnerful reforms such as women's education are being quietly dismantled and the drug crops are thriving again. If I were a GI shattered in body or mind, I'd wonder what it was all for: 12 years.
The British were the greatest imperialists of all, but they never brought the Afghan tribes to heel. Hell, we had the grisly example of the USSR's futile effort to subjugate Afghanistan under our noses and we still didn't get the message.
Oh yes, the war is about to turn a corner and bash right into a Friedman Unit. He should go on the comedy circuit.
What are we allegedly winning? A war based on false allegations. Afghanistan had no role in 9/11. The residence of Osama bin Laden is also a phony justification for war as the Taliban had on numerous occasions offered to extradite OBL to the waiting "Bushies" in Pakistan, but to no avail. They were routinely ignored. It seems the US preferred war to arresting OBL. This is pipeline politics and strategy.
Sounds like Milley was drinking the same dumbwater as Little Bush when he made his Mission Accomplished statement.
That Führerbunker sure must be coming into sight any minute now.
When's Milley retiring.?
It's a cinch that even with a new career in consulting, or security, Milley won't live to see the vict'try.
He won't be taking the Taliban' surrender.